
Two Brazilian nationals die in central Turkey hot air balloon crash

USPA News - Two Brazilian nationals died in central Turkey after a hot air balloon crash, local authorities said Monday. The incident occurred in Turkey`s touristic region of Cappadocia, in Central Anatolia, when two hot air balloons collided in midair at around 6 a.m. local time, according to Nev"ehir Gov. Abdurrahman Sava", the Hurriyet Daily News reported.
The most affected balloon lost its bearings and fell near the Ortahisar area of Ürüp. Maria Luiza Gomes, 71, died at the scene, and Mariua Rosas, 65, later died at a local hospital. Both of them were Brazilian nationals. In addition, 23 others were also injured, but few details were immediately available, as the crash site was quickly cordoned off by authorities carrying out investigations. While some critics have expressed concern over an excess number of hot air balloons navigating at the same time in the popular touristic area, unclear traffic rules, as well as inexperienced pilots, Nev"ehir Mayor Hasan Ünver said the balloon sector would not be affected by the accident. Furthermore, Ünver said such accidents are "very ordinary incidents," adding that the risks in balloon rides are lower than parachuting or rafting.
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