
Iraqi political class:It is true that you are descendants of Shylock.

Translated by Dawood Al-bayati

Iraqi political class
Anmar Aldruby
USPA NEWS - Dear readers: Many of us studied the story of The Merchant of Venice of the writer (William Shakespeare), specifically in the high school level (The Merchant of Venice).
Let me remind you in short: One of the heroes.
Of this play is a person named Antonio who is a merchant in the Italian city of Venice and belongs to the layers of the high society, and the other hero is a usurer person named Shylock
Shylock lends People at high rate of interest and usury, Antonio tried to borrow money from Shylock but because of the hatred of Shylock to Antonio Shylock finally agreed to lend the amount to the latter , but the condition lies here: if Antonio does not repay the money Shylock will cut off a pound of flesh from the body of Antonio and from any spot he may select.
The question here is: Iraqi politicians, since 2003 and till this day, cut off thousands of tons of flesh of the Iraqi people by killing as a result of bombings, theft and looting. and the flesh of these people is either the blood as a result of bomb cars or displaced families live in the open with no residence or houses or death of children burned to death in hospitals or assassinations of certain symbols or arrests, etc., Does this means they hate the people as Shylock hates Antonio?
Today the corrupt Council of the parliament voted on a paragraph in the budget law, a deduction rate of 3.8 out of the employees and pensioners salaries in order to support the deficit in the dilapidated state budget, while this budget is already stolen by these same council members who have started and voted on the paragraph of the deduction from the salaries, which certainly means that these acts and actions represent stealing the livelihood of the poor Iraqi people no matter at any percentage of the deduction even if it is at the lowest number.
Does this please God ???Out of which religion or values or behaviors do those initiate and proceed ???
Is it reasonable that who supports Iraq's budget is the poor employee or retired? Everyone knows that all the ruling political class in Iraq have owned billions? Is it fair that who prescribe such unjust laws are owners of real estates situated on the shores of Spain and buy villas and apartments in Dubai and Amman?
Is it considered as injustice and aggression who possesses accounts in millions of Dollars in world banks and sits in the parliament and votes on aggressive laws against the right of the citizen.
But with the malice and greed of the usurer Shylock there was a prior agreement based on terms between the two persons against a loan from one to the other .But in Iraq and with who governs Iraq, the case is the worst and bitter : a group of thieves and criminals are stealing our wealthا and manipulate our lives and fortunes of the people without any prior agreement between the people and among them, especially the sons of Iraqi poor people did not and will never borrow any Dirham nor Dinar from them at all.
It is obvious that the moneylender Shylock is nobler than them because he did not steal nor killed.
Certainly Iraq is devastated because the parliament does not represent its people, and anyone who possesses a conscience ; not only a conscience but a hint of conscience must recognize and acknowledge that we in Iraq are facing a corrupt and absurd scenery .
If we want to understand what policy means, we should know that in the political crises that result in failed economic policies, the ruler and politician in addition to the parliamentary member should look for political and economic breakthroughs. Nevertheless : with whom should you speak taking into account that most of Iraq' rulers do not comprehend Alphabet of policy and economy.
But after all of this, the question to the Iraqi people is:
What is wrong with you, the people? And for how long?
Have you become addicted to prison and warden?
Last but not least:
Iraqi political class: It is true that you are descendants of Shylock

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