
Attack on the EU centralism

Attack on the EU centralism

USPA NEWS - France wants the Commission to disempower and more political influence on economic policy. On the surface, the claim seems logical. He was really upset. President François Hollande this week rejected demands by the EU Commission for a sustainable pension reform in France.
He let himself out of Brussels is not "dictate" what he had to do. Almost in the same breath he called together with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the establishment of a full-euro president. This makes it clear where his view of the need of reform, the EU's political journey to go. Disguised as an attack on the Brussels centralism, Hollande wants to push through more inter-governmental economic policy. It is not intended by an EU government but the governments of a related body - be organized - the Euro Group.
On the surface, the claim seems logical. The EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has often acted sluggish and not always innovative in crisis. The crisis management was handled at the level of Heads of State and Government. Since it seems only logical to continue even after the crisis so.

A strengthening of the euro group with a permanent president the power shifts further away from the EU Commission in the body of the 27 governments - the Council of the EU.
There, Herman Van Rompuy has already established its own office as President. The Euro Group (Euro finance ministers of the countries) has installed a working group under the leadership of the Austrian Thomas Wieser. There are parallel structures to the rightly criticized as lifted, but still largely independent EU Commission. The new bodies instead of preparing laws on foundations developed by all Member States global targets especially those political templates that currently appear realistic after consideration of national interests.
Democratic control?

What seems logical and efficient, if you look closely is an erosion of the democratic structure of the EU. Because that is minimized as the supervisory body not only the influence of the Commission, but also time and again the European Parliament. Away from a contractual basis, the EU threatens to be transformed into a political community of purpose governments - with a predominance of Germany and France.
Long-term goals for their implementation, the EU Commission is responsible, such as the rehabilitation of national budgets or increasing the competitiveness of the EU threaten to be slowed by the electorally motivated policies.

The example French pension reform shows that there rarely is a better common economic policy goes, but mostly to the truth of partisan interests. The enforced reduction of the retirement age Hollande was wrong according to many industry experts, it was based only on a campaign promise of socialists.
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