


MArine Le Pen with workers at Whirlpool (Source: Courtesy Marine Le Pen)
Emmanuel MAcron at Whirlpool
(Source: Courtesy Emmanuel Macron)
USPA NEWS - Emmanuel Macron stayed 2 hours to chat while Marine and stayed 15 minutes on the parking lot. It is a real war of image, by the communication that began between the two winning candidates of the 1st round of the presidential election Sunday April 23, during a visit to Whirlpool to relocate in Poland
Whirlpool logo
Source: Whirlpool
Emmanuel Macron stayed 2 hours to chat while Marine and stayed 15 minutes on the parking lot. It is a real war of image, by the communication that began between the two winning candidates of the first round of the presidential election Sunday April 23. Neither of them intends to let go, and stands firm against the opponent, the television appearances, its strictly refrigerating by the CSA, the other means of communications are exploited until their paroxysm to persist and convince to To elect. Never has a campaign been so turbulent and so uncertain.----------------------------------------- EMMANUEL MACRON IS NATIVE OF AMIENS WHERE WHIRLPOOL IS LOCATED, THAT MAKES ENHANCES THE STRIKER'S ANGER WHY IS THE WHIRLPOOL FACTORY AMIENS A T HEART OF THE NEWS----------------------------------------------------- The American group of household appliances Whirlpool, announced in January its intention to stop the production of dryer in its factory of Amiens on 1 June 2018, to relocate it in Poland. Between 2002 and 2017, the number of employees was reduced from 1,300 to 290, for reasons of duplicates and cost killing. Since Monday, employees are organising a strike in the factory, blocking the entry of heavy goods vehicles and part of the production. The reason being that 600 jobs are threatened. This relocation will entail the abolition of the posts of 290 employees, to which are added 250 employees practically permanently employed and a hundred employees of the subcontractor Prima. WHY DOES WHIRLPOOL RELOCATE TO POLAND --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group prefers to keep it´s safety of benefit and “to safeguard its competitiveness" in an "increasingly competitive" context. For the year 2016, the world's second biggest household appliance had $ 20.7 billion (€ 19 billion) in sales and $ 888 million (815 million euros) in net profits. These were up from 2015 and 2014. Source : Le Monde
Banner Debate on TV
Source: JMMorandini
The tactic on the part of Marine is to call Emmanuel Macron on the ground, that of the workers, the farmers, the "forgotten" of the people whose spokesman he claims to beat him on his land. His tactic is to use the means of communication, which Emmanuel Macron has excelled so far since the beginning of his campaign and even before, the "scoop" and "media punches" by the force of the image. Emmanuel Macron, who had planned to go to the unions and discuss the case of the 286 Whirlpool employees, whose dismissal is imminent, as the company plans to relocate to Romania. While he had a meeting with the trade union and members of the Amiens Chamber of Commerce, Marine Le Pen arrived unexpectedly in the car park of the company Whirlpool where she took pictures with the employees and exchanged Words with those who welcomed it and even acclaimed it. Emmanuel Macron had to, then spend more than an hour talking with the angry employees on this same parking lot, or the reception was less warm but all angry. They reproach him for not having studied their case, for months, knowing that Emmanuel Macron is native of this city even of Amiens. He made a tenacious and courageous gesture in spite of the tense atmosphere and unwelcoming towards him by staying after 2 hours between discussion with union and the wage earners themselves. The journalist Jean Francois Ruffin (founder of the protesting newspaper "Fakir", and director of the film "Merci patron"), appealed to the future licensees and asked him "to prohibit Whirlpool from firing or relocating" Emmanuel Macron Answered that it is "impossible to prohibit companies that dismiss, because this would prevent investors from coming to settle in France, I could lie to you and make you happy but it is false"------------------------------------------------------------------- Marine le Pen, continues to be seen and to see again the 8 million people who voted for her, "In the name of the people" its slogan that she precisely defends.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So it's a real struggle between the two finalist candidates of the first round, and there are still 10 days to hold ... avoiding the traps and especially not to flinch in front of the opponent ... Is a struggle between two different temperaments and two project proposals that all oppose. This should facilitate their confrontation between two camps, but this is not at all the case. Indeed, the voters of the Right of the Republicans whose candidate Francois Fillon had totaled 19%, and the voters of Jean Luc Melenchon having totalled 20% feel disappointed, and do not find themselves in the ideas of Emmanuel Macron nor those of Marine Le Pen. This makes calculations and forecasts almost impossible as the uncertainty is high and with it hovers the very high abstention rate, which will certainly be the key to this next vote. Meanwhile, the french voters will b able to see the two candidates Marne Le Pen leader of the far right (Who resigned few days ago, from the Front National presidency) and Emmanuel Macron centrist leader and founder of the party "En Marche" during a TV debate (The last one of the Presidential Elections 2017) on Wednesday 3rd May, on air, broadcasted by TF1, France 2, and BFM TV.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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