


Presidents Macron and Poutine Versailles (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Facade Chateau de Versailles
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - The French President Emmanuel Macron, warmly welcomed his counterpart Russian President Vladimir Poutine, at the Château de Versailles, museum of the Glory to the Kings of France on Monday, May 29, 2017 to cleaver the tricentenary of the visit of Pierre La Grand Tsar in 1717. The two French and Russian heads of state have scheduled forty minutes of closed-door discussions before a late lunch scheduled for 14:30. Finally the press conference scheduled at 3:45 pm took place at 5:20 pm ... indicating that the discussion has long extended between Emmanuel Macron and his guest Valdimir Poutin. "We had a frank, direct exchange, and I said in full what I thought of President Putin, that we share disagreements, we see how to build common actions, and if we do not have a frank, sincere discussion, we will not make any progress either on the Ukrainian subject or on the Syrian subject. " Explained President Macron
Format Normandie, Ouistream 2015
Source: Courtesy Elysee
THE PRESS CONFERENCE WITH PRESIDENTS MACRON AND POUTINE----------------------------------------------------- Further these exchanges, the two heads of state accosted a press conference for the French and Russian press that preceded the visit of the exhibition Pierre Le Grand. They had a long walk along the Room of “the Battles“, towards the press room. A CULTURAL VISIT AND HISTORIC MOMENTUM TO ARK TRI-CENTURY OF PIERRE THE GREAT´S VISIT The question of sanctions against Moscow remains a strong point of tension. While the G7 did not rule out their reinforcement, the French president plans to discuss the Ukrainian dossier on foot. "Russia has invaded Ukraine," he said after the G7, while Moscow denies any involvement in the conflict. The diplomatic cell of the Elysée also received this week from NGOs engaged in the defense of human rights to evoke the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya and freedom of association in Russia. A PURSUE OF THE FORMAT NORMANDIE TO FIND A PEACEFUL SOLUTION FOR UKRAINE-------------------------- In anticipation of the meeting in Versailles between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov recalled Putin's position on the Format Normandie. “The Russian President is in favor of the continuation of the Format Normandie, but the current position of Ukraine on the realization of the Minsk agreements leads to pessimism“ Dimitry Peskov said.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "With regard to the probable discussion of the Ukrainian subject during Monday's contacts with President Macron, the position of President Putin is well known. The President advocates the need to resolve the internal Ukrainian problem and considers that the Minsk accords are the only instrument of settlement in our arsenal and must be met, "he told reporters about the possibility of The discussion by MM. Putin and Macron of the Ukrainian problematic. The spokesman of the Russian President stressed that Vladimir Putin was in favor of continuing the work in Normandy format. In April 2014, Kiev began a military operation against the self-proclaimed People's Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, which had proclaimed independence following the February 2014 coup in Ukraine. According to the UN's updated data, the conflict has killed about 10,000 people.
President Macron and Poutine Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Format Nromandie Flag
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Trianon Chateau de Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Pierre Le Grand Tsar 1717 Exhibition
Source: Museum of Versailles
The settlement of the situation in the Donbass is discussed inter alia by the contact group meeting in Minsk. Since September 2014, the group has adopted three documents regulating measures to de-escalate the conflict. However, exchanges of fire continued between the parties of the conflict even after the truce agreements. The two Presidents spoke of the settlement in Ukraine and set the record straight in time for the G7 summit.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The French and Ukrainian Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Piotr Poroshenko agreed in a telephone interview Wednesday to intensify the work in the Normandy format, the name given to the quadripartite meeting between Berlin, Moscow, Paris and Kiev to resolve The civil war which tears Ukraine, announced the press service of the head of the Ukrainian State.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft. My works being

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