
Did Alex Rodriguez Disserve To Be Hit?

Alex responded to being hit by a pitch

Sports and Entertainment News - Alex Rodriguez and the New York Yankees was not expecting A-Rod to get plunked by Ryan Dempster's 3-0 pitch leading off the second inning. Which surprised a lot of people at the message that the Boston Red Sox's and Ryan Dempster was sending to players involved in the Biogenesis drug case.
As Major League Baseball continue to go through this era on how to take control of drugs being used by players and how to stop it. It once again finds it self with that of another issue in dealing with the players that are upset at other players for having used these drugs. We have seen what can happen in the Yankees vs Boston game, which lead to Alex Rodriguez being hit by a pitch because of the Biogenesis drug case he's involved in.
What happen to Alex Rodriguez was unprofessional to say the least, but warrants some kind of message from the Major League Baseball, that they won´t stand for any player or team who feels they have to go after another players, who they feel is a bad seed, due to the Biogenesis drug case.

The Yankees after the hit handled the situation as professional as it could have been handled, and turned the situation around to benefit them, winning two out of three game and made Boston look like an embarrassment.

Because of the hit on Alex Rodriguez players and teams around the league are divided. Some say the message should have been delivered, while others think it was unprofessional, and should let the Major League Baseball and its rules run its course to rid the league of knowingly drug using players. . This has opened the eyes of many of just how upset the players are about players that are connected to these Biogenesis drug cases. It also puts pressure on Major League Baseball to get this situation under control.

Did Alex Rodriguez disserve to be hit?

What´s next for Major League Baseball?

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