


Rachdi Dati Mayor Paris 7th, E Levy BFM TV (Source: BFM TV)
Polls of Intentions Votes
(Source: BFM TV News)
USPA NEWS - Rachida Dati (LR), the French Republican candidate, racing for Paris Mayoral elections (To be held 15-22 March 2020) leads the voting intentions in the first round of municipal elections in Paris (25%), followed by outgoing mayor PS Anne Hidalgo (24%) and the former LREM (Majority Party La Republique en Marche) Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn ( 18.5%), according to an Elabe-Berger Levrault poll for BFMTV published on Monday, today. In this study, the ex-LREM (Majority Party La Republique en Marche) candidate Cedric Villani is credited with 10.5%, the environmentalist Ecologist candidate (EELV) David Belliard plummets to 9.5% and the rebellious Danielle Simonnet, la France Insoumise, extreme left (LFI) garners 5% of the votes.
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Source: BFM TV News
RACHIDA DATI THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR MAYORAL PARIS LEADS THE 1ST ROUND ACCORIDNG TO BFM TV POLL The candidate The Republicans would lead the first round of municipal elections, according to a new poll Elabe and Berger Levrault for BFMTV unveiled this Monday morning. 14 days before the first ballot, she collects 25% of the voting intentions, and narrowly exceeds Anne Hidalgo (24%). In third position, Agnès Buzyn, who arrived late in the campaign, placed third with 18.5% of the vote. The list led by Cédric Villani collects 10.5% of the voting intentions, then comes the EELV candidate David Belliard with 9.5%. BFM TV NEWS IS THE FRENCH LEADER TV CHANEL FOR BREAKING NEWS---------------------------------------------- BFMTV, the 1st continuous news channel in France, offers you all the information in real time with 18 hours of live broadcasting per day and more than 1000 duplexes per month. Find BFMTV on channel 15 of TNT and on BFMTV.com. Two weeks ahead of the election, these figures confirm the trend announced by an Ifop-Fiducial poll published on Sunday, in which the candidate LR tops the voting intentions in the first round with 25%, before the outgoing mayor PS Anne Hidalgo (24% ) and the LREM candidate Agnès Buzyn (20%). These voting intentions can be compared with the dissatisfaction of 57% of Parisians with the balance sheet of the outgoing mayor. In the second round, assuming a triangular, a union list between Anne Hidalgo and the ecologist David Belliard would come out on top with 37% of the votes, ahead of the Dati list (33.5%), and the list Buzyn supported by Cedric Villani (29.5%). If the ecologist EELV candidate, David Billiard remains in the first round, the victory would go to Rachida Dati. Almost one in two Parisians say they are certain to vote, the oldest being the most determined (67% of respondents aged 65 and over are sure of going to the voting booth). Survey carried out online from February 23 to 28 among 1,151 people, including 1,001 registered on the electoral lists, according to the quota method. Source BFM, news, AFP
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