


President Macron Visit at SAMU Necker (Source: BFM Caption)
(Source: Ministry of Health )
USPA NEWS - The President of the Republic, Emanuel Macron paid a visit to the Paramedical in France (SAMU), calling the 15, hotline) of Necker, and addressed the French, by a run on the microphone of the media present.
He thus displayed himself as the head of the nation and "Minister of Health's buddy". This is the fourth visit of the Head of State in the presence of the Ministry of Health, Olivier Veran and Jacques Salomon the Director of the Ministry of Health, since the epidemic due to COVID-19. The President´s agenda was completely dedicated to this epidemic, reporting other usual activities. The head of state called on "Citizenship, both individual and professional, of the French and their total mobilization to curb this epidemic which has only just begun in France". It is a question of preparing the citizens to "face this epidemic" and by preparing them for the transition from stage 2 to stage 3 which is near, because "France is only at its beginning of the epidemic" as the 'declared the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron also insisted on the fact that "85% of the contaminated cases are mild", to avoid any panic or psychosis in the country.
Elysee Palace
Source: Elysee
President Macron, thus displayed a "great transparency" and announced the "collective mobilization, effective of everyone so that the whole health system is helped by civilians, like the reservists", namely the 45, 000 doctors in mobilizable pensions, according to Patrick Bouet, the President of the National Order of Physicians, "and nurses, and even medical students" explained President Macron. It is the will of President Macron to set an example by making his fourth trip since the epidemic and the country is not stopping, it is on the move to set an example for the French, as was the case the exit to Friday 6 March at the theater, to see the performance "Par le bout du nez", at the Antoine theater in the 10th arrondissement of Paris alongside his wife Brigitte Macron. BEGINNING OF CONTAINMENT OF ELYSEE TO AVOID PRESIDENT MACRON CONTAMINATION-------------------- Measures have been taken today to start confirming the Elysee or resides the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte. From now on, the President will not be able to approach at least 1 meter. All objects such as signature pens, and other spectacle objects owed by the President of the Republic will be disinfected regularly. Indeed these measures are taken following the announcement of the President of the European Parliament, the Italian David Sassoli, who announced Tuesday to have confined himself to his Brussels home for two weeks after having visited Italy on last weekend. "After being in Italy last weekend, I decided, as a precaution, to follow the measures indicated and to exercise my function of president from my home in Brussels, in accordance with the 14 days indicated by the health protocol, "he said in a statement. The Elysee Palace has started to reduce the visits of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, the official lunches and dinners, as well as the new escort bubble around the President by 1 meter at least to approach him, and avoid contaminating him . Patrick Strzoda, the director of President Macron's cabinet, will be tested positive and has been confined to his home as a precaution because he has been in contact with someone infected with the virus. Knowing that the National Assembly, the heart of the French Republic (Located in Paris in the 7 th arrondissement, opposite Place de la Concorde, at the start of the Champs Elysées) has become deserted since five deputies and two staff members been contaminated by the coronavirus, and that consequently some ministers seem to be affected too“¦ Indeed, the Minister of Culture Franck Riester has been detected positive, is in confinement and has since been treated in infected persons three days ago. Nicole Belloubet, the Minister of Justice will be tested because she has a slight growth of fever and cough.
David Sassoli President of European Parliament
Source: euractiv
NATIONAL COLLECTIVE AND CIVIC MOBILIZATION CALLS ON 45, 000 RETIRED PHYSICIANS AND STUDENTS IN MEDICINE President Macron announced that the mobilization is "national and will be collective" by calling on civilians, individually and professionally, to slow the spread of the epidemic of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, which is only at its beginning "With all the SAMU teams from Paris I thank the SAMU 75 teams and from all over France and the director of SAMU from France with the extraordinary mobilization, faced with the crisis that we do not have. We have seen courageous people on the ground who work with intelligence and courage and who are mobilized, since we have faced this epidemic for several weeks. “ He adds "I have seen competent and motivated teams to meet vital needs and there is a collective mobilization and innovation that is being put in place with doctors and even medical students and the reserve capacity who are ready to help »
Recommendations for Ministry of Health COVID-19
Source: Ministry of Health
IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE A CIVIC BEHAVIOR EXPLAINED PRESIDENT MACRON President Macron then thanked the forces of the French health system and those who have been mobilized on the ground since the onset of the epidemic: "I thank the city doctors who are trying to help relatives of regulators with the SAMU (15 Paramedical Hotline ) to participate in this work. What paramedics, doctors, emergency doctors, nurses, caregivers working to respond to this crisis are doing is exemplary. We are at the height of this epidemic and we must control the spread, allow us to assist the SAMU which is facing this epidemic. President Macron insisted on the degrees of gravity or non gravity in case of infection : « 85% of those who will be positive and will have this benign virus, so transparency is applied with calm with this figure in mind, 85% benign because there will be more serious forms. We each have an individual responsibility in carrying us and the others by civility. »-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Macron recalled the basic rules "When you have a fever, you do not take public transport and go to work while waiting to see what you really have, You have to wash your hands repeatedly put gel and take distance of 1 meter to not spread the virus to me, and contaminate others "He added:" You also have to be civil, when you are in a territory at risk, like the Ile-de-France departments, where we are, first symptoms or risk, you must call the SAMU, the 15th, who will set things right. When you are in an unaffected territory, you should continue to call the 15 hotline, systematically whenever there is a fever. " The Head of State nevertheless specifies: "If we have the mildest symptoms and general practitioners are mobilized and participate in this national effort and they will guide you and / or take you for consultation and treat your case. Since the decree of the Minister of Health, released since yesterday, tele-consultations are possible. »---------------------------------------- The Head of State stressed the importance of the application of health recommendations and the civic mobilization of each citizen: "I wanted to remind you of these instructions and count on your participation and thank all those who have contributed, including the medical students, reservists, doctors retirees, and city doctors. We are only at the beginning, and we have adopted and prepared and shall meet extraordinary caregivers with professionals and we will be adapted to the response that our co citizens are needing »
Jedi Foster P/O Rahma Sophia Rachdi
PRESIDENT MACRON EXPLAINS WHY FRANCE IS NOT YET IN STAGE 3 The President of the Republic, Macron answers a question from the press regarding the transition to stage 3, of the epidemic over COVID-19, « The different regions are in very different stages, there are outbreaks where the epidemic is in phase two, and corresponds to the elements that I describe, show it. "  Remember to call the general practitioner if the symptoms are mild, and if it is serious, call 15, so do not consider that at a specific time, everything will turn upside down. » added President Macron. He then explains that stage 3 is not yet applied because the response to the epidemic is differentiated, according to the regions with disparate relationships, in France: "You have to be adaptable according to the stages of this epidemic. Certain departments where the epidemic is there, and we must adapt to the regions as needed, certain departments are less crowded and we will continue to behave in this way on a scientific basis to provide us with rest in order to curb this epidemic, everywhere even if binding individually and collectively we will provide an answer. "There is no total and absolute response," insisted the head of state, and it must be lasting and relative, adapted and it will be differentiated, because like all epidemics it is not the same. each place and we assume to have a different answer, with a lot of transparency and lucidity and count on all our mobilization with the SAMU, and this in a frank way. " President Macron, concluded.
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