


President Macron Address Tf1 TV (Source: Tf1)
(Source: Ministry of Healtn )
USPA NEWS - The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron addressed the French at 8h pm on TV Tf1, announcing major measures and recommendations for 30 minutes while appealing to unity in the country.
Before addressing the French, President Emmanuel Macron assembled the Scientific Council mobilized to deal with the Coronavirus. Our reaction can only be done with the expertise of specialists who are the most legitimate to assess the situation. » the President Macron said, as he spent the whole afternoon, preparing the speech of his solemn address to the French nation. We publish the entire speech of the head of the French State in several sequences. Among the big men, all schools and universities in France will be closed from Monday March 16. The municipal elections (March 15 and 22) are maintained, The recommendations to the French, on health barriers, (frequent hand washing use of mask, safety distance of 1 meter), and for vulnerable persons (seniors, staff with chronic diseases and diabetes, as well as the disabled) must limit their outings and remain confined to their homes.
COVID-19 patients hospitals
Source: wikimedia
President Macron recalled that this crisis is only at its beginning and that it is the opportunity to express imagination and in particular the medical profession which is showing great innovation also mentioned that talking soon to his American counterpart Donald Trump for an international coordination meal, and that it is better to unite than to divide in the face of the coronavirus crisis, in particular the recent American decision to ban entries on the territory of the USA from European countries except for the UK (during the next 30 days, except for the US citizen and Green cards holders). ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT MACRON OVER COVID-19 OUTBREAK “French, my dear compatriots, for the past few weeks, our country has been facing the spread of a virus, the Covid-19, which has affected several thousand of our compatriots. I have, of course, this evening, before anything else, an emotional and warm thought for the families and loved ones of our victims. This epidemic which affects all continents and strikes all European countries is the most serious health crisis that France has experienced in a century. In the overwhelming majority of cases, Covid-19 is safe, but the virus can have very serious consequences, especially for those of our compatriots who are elderly or affected by chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity or cancer. For several weeks, we prepared, acted. The staff of hospitals, doctors, nurses, paramedics, agents of the Samu (French Paramedics) and our hospitals, city doctors, all the staff of the public health service in France are committed with dedication and efficiency. If we were able to delay the spread of the virus and limit severe cases, it is thanks to them because everyone responded. All of them agreed to take time out of their personal and family life for our health. « BRAVO TO THESE HEROES IN A WHITE BLOUSE » PRESIDENT MACRON CONGRATULATIES THE MEDICAL STAFF This is why, in your name, I want above all to express this evening the recognition of the Nation to these heroes in white coats, these thousands of admirable women and men who have no other compass than care , other concern than humans, our well-being, our life, quite simply. I also want to salute your composure this evening. Faced with the spread of the virus, you may have felt for yourselves, for your loved ones, worry or even anxiety, and this is quite legitimate. All of you have been able to cope by not giving in to anger or panic. Better, by adopting the right actions, you have slowed the spread of the virus and thus allowed our hospitals and our caregivers to better prepare. That is what a great Nation is. Women and men capable of placing the collective interest above everything, a human community that stands by values: solidarity, fraternity. However, my dear compatriots, I want to tell you this tonight with great gravity, lucidity but also the collective will that we adopt the right organization, we are only at the beginning of this epidemic. Across Europe, it is accelerating, it is intensifying. Faced with this, the absolute priority for our Nation will be our health. I will not compromise on anything.
COVID-19 Lab Research
Source: France 24
WE HAVE THE BEST VIROLOGISTS IN FRANCE "PRESIDENT MACRON SAID---------------------------------------------- A principle guides us to define our actions, it guides us from the start to anticipate this crisis then to manage it for several weeks and it must continue to do so: it is confidence in science. It is to listen to those who know. The greatest European specialists spoke this morning in an important publication. I gathered today, with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health, our scientific monitoring committee. We have in France the best virologists, the best epidemiologists, renowned specialists, clinicians too, people who are in the field and whom we have listened to, as we have been doing since the first day. Everyone has told us that despite our efforts to curb it, the virus continues to spread and is accelerating. We knew it, we feared it. What is likely to happen is that the disease will first affect the most vulnerable people. Many of them will require appropriate hospital care, often respiratory support. This is why, and I will come back to this in a moment, we are taking very strong measures to massively increase our reception capacities at the hospital because the challenge is to continue to treat other diseases as well. It is also to prepare for a possible second wave which will affect a little later, in a much smaller number, younger people, a priori less exposed to the disease, but who will also have to be treated. To be continued next clip
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