
Spanish children can go outside from this Sunday

For one hour a day and close to home

USPA NEWS - Although the confinement of the Spaniards will continue for at least two more weeks, until next May 10, from this Sunday children under the age of 14 will be able to go out into the street accompanied by an adult. The Official State Gazette publishes this Saturday the decree establishing the exit permit for children and its conditions. As of May 10, it is expected that adults can also leave, although with conditions.
From nine in the morning on this Sunday until nine at night, children under the age of 14 may go out into the street, after the Spanish Government has authorized it, in response to the recommendations of the experts and the requests of the parents. But it is a freedom with conditions: departure times must be respected and they can only walk for an hour, within a radius of one kilometer (0.62 miles) from the children's home. They will have to go out accompanied by an adult from their family or a domestic worker who must carry a parental permit, and said adult will be responsible for ensuring that minors comply with the social distancing established by the Government.
Children may not go to parks or interact with other children and must play exclusively with their own toys. Minors with symptoms of Coronavirus will be prohibited from going outside. Finally, it is established that an adult can go outside with a maximum of three children.
The Spanish Government considers that circumstances exist to allow children to go out on the street. For the first time since the start of the pandemic, on Friday the number of healings was greater than that of new infections. And although the death figures continue to be “unaffordable“ for Spain, deaths also register a slow decline. For all these reasons, the Government is working to return to normality, which will not be absolute because mandatory restrictions will be established. This is the case of clothing stores, which can open from next Monday but must guarantee that their customers maintain the safety distance, must have electronic payment systems and must have a method of disinfecting clothes after each test of a client.
The Spanish Government works with the regional authorities in the design of the return to normality. Catalonia - the second region most affected by Coronavirus - rejects the lifting of restrictions, while the Canary Islands - whose first industry is tourism - wants older people to go out in the morning and children in the afternoon. Also that the shops open voluntarily and that the hotels recover their activity from Monday, May 4. These are proposals that will be debated between the Government and those responsible for the regions before being translated into a decree that should come into force after the end of the state of alarm, which is expected to occur on May 10.
Two months into the summer, another sector that watches with concern the development of events is aeronautics. The Spanish Government plans to authorize domestic flights first, then flights to the European countries of the Schengen area and, finally, long-distance flights. Flights to the United States, Canada and Latin American countries; flights to Australia and Asia; and flights to African countries will take a long time to be authorized, according to the Government. And when they are authorized, they must guarantee the distance between passengers. From the European Union it is proposed that the central row of seats of the planes is left empty, but not all companies agree with that. Icelandic Ryanair opposes the measure and announces that it will not apply that restriction.
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