


President Macron Address on Tv Tf1 (Source: Elysee)
French Policemen
(Source: Police Nationale)
USPA NEWS - French President Emmanuel Macron delivered remarks, on the Prime TV, (On Tf1 TV Channel), on Monday June 15, Emmanuel Macron made a solemnel statement, during 20 minutes, announced the reopening of restaurants and cafes, from June 15 in Paris (and Ile de France Region) and the mandatory presence in nursing schools, schools and high schools from June 22, as second set of lifting the lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak. The President Macron, of the French Republic highlighted the lessons that « we could draw for the future, in particular the need to regain control of our collective destiny, whether local, national or European. This will be a priority for the next two years, a course and a goal for the decade. »"This economic, ecological and united reconstruction will be the key to our independence. It will be prepared throughout the summer with the living forces of our Nation to be implemented as soon as possible." President Macron acknowledged and emphasized on his gratitude to the French Police as they went through tough protesters against racism, in echoed to the Georges Floyd movement in the uSA " Without republican order, there will be no security, nor liberty"
Drop of Global Growth over COVID-19
Source: GIS Lab Seattle
« WE CAN BE PROUD OF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE AND OF OUR COUNTRY »  PRESIDENT MACRON SAID The French president Macron, explained of course, this test also revealed flaws, weaknesses: our dependence on other continents to obtain certain products, our cumbersome organization, our social and territorial inequalities. « I want us to learn all the lessons from what we have experienced and with you to understand what we have done better or worse than our neighbors. Our strengths, we will strengthen them, our weaknesses, we will correct them quickly and strongly. The moment that we are going through and which comes after many crises for fifteen years, forces us to open a new stage in order to regain full control of our lives, our destiny, in France and in Europe.It will be the priority of the next two years that I want useful for the Nation. It is also the milestone of the decade before us. Regain our independence to live happily and live better. » Insisted President Macron, on the French strength actions that enabled to overcome the COVID-19 outbreak. « WITH THE EPIDEMIC THE GLOBAL ECONOMY HAS COME TO A VIRUAL STANDSTILL » PRESIDENT MACRON SAID---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- « With the epidemic, the global economy has come to a virtual standstill. Our first priority is therefore first to rebuild a strong, ecological, sovereign and united economy. Since the first day of the crisis, our mobilization has been total. "Whatever it costs": that was the commitment I made to you in March. Partial unemployment, business loans, support for traders, the self-employed, support for the most precarious: everything has been done by the Government to save our jobs and to help everyone. We have decided on massive plans for the hardest hit sectors: the automotive industry, aeronautics, tourism, culture, catering, hotels, and we will continue. In total, we have mobilized nearly 500 billion euros for our economy, for workers, for entrepreneurs, but also for the most precarious. It´s new. » President Macron, acknowledged. President Macron, highlighted the economic aspects and the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global growth « And tonight I want you to measure it as fully. In how many countries has all of this been done? It´s a chance and it shows the strength of our state and our social model. These expenses were justified and justified by exceptional circumstances. But they add to our already existing debt. We will not finance them by raising taxes: our country is already one of those with the heaviest taxation, even if for three years we have started to lower it. The only answer is to build a stronger, sustainable economic model, to work and produce more so as not to depend on others. And that we must do, even as our country is going to experience bankruptcies and multiple social plans due to the stoppage of the world economy. »
Source: agora
« THROUGH RESEARCH CONSOLIDATION OF INDUSTRIES ATTRACTIVENESS AND RELOCATION IS JUSTIFIED «  PRESIDENT MACRON SAID The French President Macron, added how he will encourage the French actors, to rescue the economy, towards a productive pact « This is why, I will assume with you, with all the forces of our country, with the fabric of our companies, with our employees as our freelancers, our intermediary bodies, I will engage in this economic reconstruction. We must first do everything to avoid layoffs as much as possible. This is why, with the unions and employers, we have launched a negotiation so that, in all companies, we manage to preserve as many jobs as possible despite the downturn in activity.We must create new jobs by investing in our technological, digital, industrial and agricultural independence. Through research, consolidation of industries, attractiveness and relocation when justified. A real productive pact. » ECOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION WHICH RECONCILES PRODUCTION AND CLIMATE SHOULD CREATE NEEDED JOBS » PRESIDENT MACRON STATED-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The French Head of State announced how job creations must be done via the the ecological dimension and climate change sector : « We need to create the jobs of tomorrow through ecological reconstruction which reconciles production and climate: with a plan to modernize the country around the thermal renovation of our buildings, less polluting transport, support for green industries. It will also involve accelerating our maritime strategy, we who are the second largest ocean power in the world. The citizens' agreement will return its work in a few days, which will contribute to this project. This reconstruction must also be social and united. A revival by health as we started to do with the negotiation of Segur which, not only will revalue the nursing staff but will make it possible to transform the hospital like the city medicine by new investments and a more effective and preventive organization. A united stimulus that will better protect our seniors, also better protect the poorest of us. »  
Obey- Disobey Logo
Source: wikimedia
«  A MASSIVE INVESTMENT IN ECUATION TRAINING FOR A SOCIAL AND SOLIDARTY REVIVAL FOR THE YOUNGSTERS » PRESIDENT MACRON STATED The President Macron, emphasized «  Finally, a social and solidarity revival, through a massive investment in education, training and jobs for our youth. We owe it to him: we asked him so much during the period. It will still have such a difficult summer and comeback and it is she who bears the ecological and budgetary debt.This reconstruction plan will be carried out with Europe which, after timid beginnings, has risen to the height of the moment. The Franco-German agreement on joint debt and an investment plan to revive the continent´s economy is a historic turning point. By borrowing for the first time together, with the Chancellor of Germany, we are proposing to other European states to say "we" rather than an addition of "I." It is the result of hard work, initiated by France, and which we have been carrying out for three years. It can be there, a new stage of our European adventure and the consolidation of an independent Europe which gives itself the means to assert its identity, its culture, its singularity vis-a-vis China, the United States and in the world disorder that we know. A stronger, more united, more sovereign Europe. This is the fight that I will fight on your behalf from the European Council in July and in the two years to come.This economic, ecological and united reconstruction will be the key to our independence. It will be prepared throughout the summer with the living forces of our Nation to be implemented as soon as possible. »
President Macron at Hospital Necker
Source: BFM Tv Caption
« THE INDEPENDENCE OF FRANCE TO LIVE BETTER ALSO REQUIRES OUR UNITY AROUND THE REPUBLIC » PRESIDENT MACRON ANNOUNCED « The independence of France to live better also requires our unity around the Republic. This is the second axis of this new stage. I see us dividing ourselves for everything and sometimes losing the sense of our History. Uniting around republican patriotism is a necessity. We are a Nation where everyone, whatever their origins, their religion must find their place. Is it true everywhere and for everyone? No. » President Macron acknowledged He then added about the current context in France of protest against racism : « Our fight must therefore continue, intensify to obtain the diplomas and the jobs which correspond to the merits and talents of each one and fight against the fact that the name, the address, the skin color reduce all too often still the equal opportunity that everyone should have. We will be intractable in the face of racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination and new strong decisions will be made. » THE REPUBLIC WILL NOT UNBOLT A STATUE AND MUST LOOK TOGETHER AT ALL OF OUR HISTORY » PRESIDENT MACRON SAID---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The French President warned about the communautarism and false rewriting about the past : « But this noble fight is misguided when it turns into communitarianism, hateful or false rewriting of the past. This fight is unacceptable when it is taken over by the separatists. I tell you very clearly this evening my dear compatriots, the Republic will not erase any trace or any name from its History. The Republic will not unbolt a statue. We must rather lucidly look together at all of our History, all of our memories, our relationship to Africa in particular, in order to build a present and a possible future, from one shore to the other of the Mediterranean with a desire for truth and in no way case of revisiting or denying what we are."
Secours Populaire Francais Logo
Source: Secours Populaire Francais
« WITHOUT A REPUBLICAN ORDER THER IS NO SECURITY NOR FREEDOM » PRESIDENT MACRON STATED « We will not further build our future out of order. Without a republican order, there is neither security nor freedom. This order is carried out by the police and gendarmes on our soil. They are exposed to daily risks on our behalf, that is why they deserve the support of the public authorities and the recognition of the Nation. Finally, it will be up to me to build new balances in powers and responsibilities. This is the third axis that I see at this new stage. I am deeply convinced of this: the organization of the State and of our action must profoundly change. Not everything can be decided so often in Paris. » The French Head of State acknowledged « Faced with the epidemic, citizens, businesses, unions, associations, local communities, state agents in the territories have shown ingenuity, efficiency, solidarity. Let us trust them more. Let´s unleash the creativity and energy of the field. This is why I want to open for our country a new page giving new liberties and responsibilities to those who act closest to our lives, liberties and responsibilities for our hospitals, our universities, our entrepreneurs, our mayors and many other key players. INDEPENDENCE AND RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE »  PRESIDENT MACRON STATED My dear compatriots, this independence and reconstruction project is only possible because, for the past three years, we have worked tirelessly for education, the economy and the fight against inequality in our country. Because also we fought for our European project and our place in the international order. I do not believe that overcoming the challenges before us is to go back, no. But the times impose to draw a new path. This is how each of us must reinvent itself as I said and that we must collectively do differently and you have understood what I started this evening to sketch, I apply it to myself. first and foremost to myself. It is in this spirit of harmony that I asked the Presidents of the two parliamentary chambers and of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council to propose some priorities likely to bring together the greatest number. It is also in this spirit that I have engaged in broad consultations that I will continue over the next few days. PRESIDENT MACRON WILL UNVEIL A ROAD MAP IN JULY---------------------------------------------------------------------- « I will speak to you in July to clarify this new path, to launch the first actions. And it will not stop.  My dear compatriots, We have before us historic challenges. To meet them, we must never forget our strengths: our history, our youth, our sense of work and commitment, our desire for justice, our capacity to create to say and change the world, our benevolence. Let us act together with all these forces pegged to the body. Let us have together this will to conquer, this energy of the coming day. Long live the Republic ! Long live France ! President Macron concluded
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