


Catherine Morin Desaaily Herve Morin FX Priollaud (Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Herve Morin Pdt World Forum Normandie for PEace
(Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Catherine Morin Dessailly has been a senator since 2004, attached to the Les Centrists Group, committed and very dynamic in her actions in the Senate. Indeed, she is a member of the Culture and Education Communication committee and a member of the European Affairs Commission. She is also President of the Culture and Opera Commission of Rouen Normandy within the Normandy Region, chaired by Hervé Morin, Former Minister of Defense. As Regional Councilor for Normandy.
Catherine Morin Dessailly has distinguished herself for decades in the Senate by her swimming and voting on certain laws, in particular for equal opportunities between women and men, as well as the modernization of audio visual broadcasting. Our reporter, sat and had a candid conversation with Catherine Morin-Desailly and for a short interview as part of the 3rd edition of the Normandy Peace World Forum. Mrs Morin-Desailly is a lady key player, with a central role in the organization of this Worldwide Annual Forum about Peace. It has become essential for peacemakers from around the world, who have been meeting for three years at the Abbaye des Dames, the headquarters of the Normandy Region, in Caen.
World Forum Normandie For Peace Banner
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Catherine Morin Dessailly has been a senator since 2004, attached to the Les Centrists Group, committed and very dynamic in her actions in the Senate. Indeed, she is a member of the Culture and Education Communication committee and a member of the European Affairs Commission. She is also President of the Culture and Opera Commission of Rouen Normandy within the Normandy Region, chaired by Hervé Morin, Former Minister of Defense. As Regional Councilor for Normandy. Catherine Morin Dessailly has distinguished herself for decades in the Senate by her swimming and voting on certain laws, in particular for equal opportunities between women and men, as well as the modernization of audio visual broadcasting. Our reporter, sat and had a candid conversation with Catherine Morin-Desailly and for a short interview as part of the 3rd edition of the Normandy Peace World Forum. Mrs Morin-Desailly is a lady key player, with a central role in the organization of this Worldwide Annual Forum about Peace. It has become essential for peacemakers from around the world, who have been meeting for three years at the Abbaye des Dames, the headquarters of the Normandy Region, in Caen, at the initiative of the President of the Region, Herve Morin and his Vice president, Francois Xavier Priollaud.
World Forum Normandie for Peace Program
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
QUESTION USPA : HOW DID YOU PREPARE THIS 3RD EDITION OF THE WORLD NORMANDY FORUM FOR PEACE DESPITE THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER CATHERINE MORIN -DESAILLY: It is always a realization of the success of a project, then follow its evolution and the 3rd edition, of this year, is significant I am delighted to see the very many personalities who matter and moreover in this period of COVID-19 , knowing the absence of participants wind from abroad the crowd was strong. This edition bears witness to its objectives and promises with high quality and structuring debates with constructive contributions. It is not a "One Shot" environment, but built with continuity. QUESTION USPA: YOU ARE VERY COMMITTED SENATOR AND EAGER TO GET THE MANIFESTO OF PEACE TO BE IMPLEMENTED. HOW SHALL YOU PROCEED IN THAT MATTER ?---------------------------------------------------- ANSWER CATHERINE MORIN -DESAILLY: This operation lasted the rest of the year with this platform, due to the quality of its content and reflects well, what thinks my President of Region Hervé Morin and Francois Xavier Priollaud, the Vice President as well as the rest of the Team. « NORMANDY FOR PEACE », is a label and to reflect on lasting peace. The idea is to be able to think about how we can bring people together around an idea of “‹“‹peace and through members of governments and all those who work for peace, including NGOs. But to get this message of peace from countries to countries, in the world, it is necessary to identify life issues and vote for the law and the budgets of the nation have a role of world diplomacy. I undertook discussions on this subject with Marie France Kenny, who is a senator in Canada, and thanks to the Senate and the natural links we have, we can bring our stone to the building and carry high, the brand "NORMANDY FOR PEACE “, and at the same time congratulate all the themes. All this is thanks to the confidence obtained by our charter, resulting in a manifesto, this platform has collected the signatures of a great many parliamentarians from Europe and the list of signatories will grow through other countries.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We will bring all this to life, and bring together active actors, for example, where we are committed to supporting all the operations of civil society and NGOs, as well as public and private institutions on transnational issues and a whole series of subjects, like the IPCC, for the climate for example. It is about promoting tools of cooperation between countries, throughout the year. This is done in the manner of the “˜NOBEL OF PEACE", as if to launch a" DAVOS OF PEACE "where the noblest resolutions are taken and retained, identifying the issues and reasons for conflicts and finding a contribution to peace.
Normandie Region Banner
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Students at World Forum Normandie Peace
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Bookshop World Forum Normandie Peace
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Herve Morin Normandie Liberty Prize Winners
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
QUESTION USPA: AS A WOMAN OF ACTION AND COMMITTED, HOW WILL YOU MAKE THE RESULTS TO EMERGE WITH A REAL SOCIAL IMPACT VIA THE WORLD FORUM OF NORMANDY OF PEACE?-------------------- ANSWER CATHERINE MORIN -DESAILLY: Women are always very concrete and the value of women is very important in the peace process, everywhere. For example, for the "MEE TOO" movement, and others, women mobilized against totalitarianism and the regimes of war or the women´s humiliations and violence. As matter of fact, I thought of making things happen for this young Iranian lawyer Nasrine Soutoudeh, death threated, because she was defending the cause of women. I proposed that together with lawyers from the area we take peaceful action to help save her. QUESTION USPA: DURING THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK ESPECIALLY THE LOCKDOWN PERIOD HOW DID YOU HANDLE THE CRISIS MANAGEMENT AS A SENATOR?--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER CATHERINE MORIN -DESAILLY: During this period of confinement linked to COVID-19, I was very attentive to the mayors and other elected officials, ie parliamentarians every Friday we held web-conferences meeting, for reasons of practical brakes. We balk at the very daily figures and we were relays for the elected officials, I worked on peace of mind. I have also responded a lot to calls to schools and made the link with the Ministry of National Education. I was able to influence so that there is no school card because we have a significant demographics at the time of the counting of closing classes. And, then in full confinement, we did our utmost to avoid class closures. That's the senator's cap, but I also had to manage the attractiveness and tourism in the March of culture and sport and tourism, in our region of Normandy. We had to react quickly and therefore we set up cultural actors for scenes, shows, festivals and decided and together we decided to maintain the bookstores and theaters. For this and we created an emergency fund to support cultural actors, through regional subsidies, in this time, the President of the Normandy Region, initiated reconciliations with the prefect and we built the modalities with the acts themselves. And then we immediately think of the relaunch with the emergency fund from September 1st and we will build a bridge with the structures and administration of Rouen.
French Senate Logo
Source: French Senate
QUESTION USPA: UNESCO´s AMBASSADOR VERONIQUE ROGER LACAN ANNOUNCED TODAY THE PARTNERSHIP WITH THE WORLD FORUM OF NORMANDY OF PEACE ON AN EDUCATIONAL & CULTURAL PROJECT. YOU MUST BE VERY GLAD OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT, AS YOU CHAIR THE CULTURE COMMITTEE AT THE SENATE?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER CATHERINE MORIN -DESAILLY: Yes I´m very glad of the partnership with UNESCO. And yes, everything is to be done, even the Senate with the Committee of Region, culture and education I made it enshrine in law. I helped to set up cultural rights which allow us to deal with all audiences with accessibility to all people, even those with disabilities, and made them vote, under the name of “Creative Territories in 2015. We even put this online, on a site whose construction is the backbone of cultural rights, so the initiative of the Normandy World Peace Forum is in perfect linearity with the right to culture and science. Cultural rights are written into the specifications of most of the structures we support. The Region has put in place labels and carries this requirement through these agreements. I also think science is very important, because during COVID-19 there was everything that was spreading from everywhere, genuine news and fake news. All this is not enough, we must also provide for the popularization of science through audio visual for the public. I also answer present when it comes to the audio visual field to the Senate that I manage, to allow access to all, via this media.
Ambassador UNESCO Veronique Lacan Roger WFNP
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Live media studio WFNP
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
European Index of Peace by WFNP
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Manifesto World Forum Normandie Peace
Source: World Forum Normandie Peace
ABOUT THE NORMANDY MANIFESTO FOR PEACE SIGNED BY MP´s OF THE WORLD---------------------------------- The Normandy Manifesto for Peace in the World was solemnly presented by Mohamed ElBaradei, Sundeep Waslekar and Hervé Morin to Jean-Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in 2019. Written and presented to the forum by Nobel Prize winner Jody Williams, Mohamed El Baradei, Leymah Gbowee, and civil society figures committed to peace such as Anthony Grayling, philosopher, Sundeep Waslekar, president of Strategic Foresight Group (SFG)“¦ he will be proposed for signature by all Forum participants. "This was notably materialized during the 2019 Forum with the signing of the Normandy Manifesto for Peace in the presence of four Nobel Peace Prize winners. This Manifesto calls on everyone to act for Peace, from citizens to representatives of civil society.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In line with this call, the Parliamentarians for Peace project, co-organized between the Open Diplomacy Institute and the Normandy Region, brought together 10 elected representatives from all walks of life and all sensibilities in an innovative format for the peace building.Built for the Normandy World Peace Forum 2020, the platform Parliamentarians for Peace gathers 10 parliamentarians from 5 continents. Together, they propose legal works to promote worldwide on social, environmental and technological challenges. They worked together on the three main axes of threats to Peace highlighted during the 2020 edition of the Normandy Peace Forum: the deterioration of the environment, social upheavals and the digital revolution. » explained Herve Morin the President and founder of the World Peace Forum. See also :https://www.senat.fr/questions/base/index.html https://normandiepourlapaix.fr/en/
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