


Vaccinations in France 11Feb 21 (Source: LCI News TV Caption)
Gabriel Attal Spokesman
(Source: BFM Tv Caption)
USPA NEWS - Today, at the end of the weekly Council of Ministers and the Defense Council, Gabriel Attal, spokesman for the government, explained that: lactation has "little changed for two weeks" He added that "We are still on this same high plateau which appears to have been declining slightly for a week. According to the French government, therefore, containment is not planned for the moment. "There is indeed a way to avoid re-containment, in a positive attitude,. This path is not wide but it exists, "continues government spokesman Gabriel Attal. As of February 10, 2021, 3,319 people are in intensive care (-23 in 24 hours) and the number of people hospitalized has started to drop slightly ( -216 in 24 hours) The numbers of new cases (+25,387), and deaths (+296) recorded in the last 24 hours are still very high. The number of people admitted to hospital and intensive care has been decreasing for 48 hours. The numbers of cases (+25,387) and deaths (+296) in 24 hours remain very high. The bar of 2,5 Million people vaccinated has been crossed.
British COVID-19 Variant
Source: Passport Sante
THE BRITISH VARIANT CIRCULATES IN FRANCE WITH 30% TO MORE CONTAGIOUS THAN THE ORIGINAL STRAIN The English variant VOC 202012/01 is actively circulating in France. And according to the words of the Minister of Health Olivier Veran, it is necessary at all costs "to avoid the epidemic in the epidemic". We take stock of this variant, which is much more contagious than the classic COVID-19 virus, with Vincent Marechal, professor of virology at the Sorbonne.-------------- According to Professor Marechal, the symptoms of the English variant are identical to those of COVID-19: cough, loss of taste, smell, fatigue, headaches ... On the other hand, the big difference between this variant and the classic form of Sars-Cov-2, it is its level of contagiousness, much higher in English. "It would be 30 to 70% more contagious. The British variant would increase on average the R0, basic reproduction number, by 0.5. We would thus go from 1 to 1.5, the difference is enormous. So for an R0 of 1, ten people infect ten people, the spread of the virus stagnates. In the case of an R0 of 1.5, ten people infect fifteen people. It's really very fast ", comments Vincent Marechal. According to the announcements of Pfizer and Moderna, these two vaccines would be effective against the English variant. "What is very worrying is that the more the virus multiplies - and it is multiplying all over the world today - the more there will be mutants and therefore variants which will acquire new properties. This is essential. , to avoid the multiplication of variants, it is the vaccination of the world population. Some countries do not even have the resources to buy the vaccine. We are dealing with a pandemic, on a global scale therefore, and if we do not "not help these countries to manage this problem, the virus will continue to circulate actively there. And the more the virus circulates, the more we will be confronted with variants", develops the scientist.
Poll Confinement ELABE
Source: BFM TV Caption
HEALTH STATUS OVER COVID-19 OUTBREAK IN FRANCE: 3,319 PATIENTS IN INTENSIVE CARE------------------- Today, at the end of the weekly Council of Ministers and the Defense Council, Gabriel Attal, spokesman for the government, explained that: lactation has "little changed for two weeks" He added that "We are still on this same high plateau which appears to have been declining slightly for a week. According to the French government, therefore, containment is not planned for the moment. "There is indeed a way to avoid re-containment. This path is not wide but it exists, "continues government spokesman Gabriel Attal. As of February 10, 2021, 3,319 people are in intensive care (-23 in 24 hours) and the number of people hospitalized has started to drop slightly ( -216 in 24 hours) The numbers of new cases (+25,387), and deaths (+296) recorded in the last 24 hours are still very high.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Updated Wednesday February 10 at 8:10 pm) The health situation remains fragile in France, reports this Wednesday February 10 at the end of a Defense Council, chaired by Emmanuel Macron. About fifty departments are experiencing a significant drop in their incidence rate. The trail of confinement is moving away, but cannot be ruled out: Parliament on Tuesday gave its approval to the extension of the state of health emergency until next June 1 in the face of the particularly worrying health situation, linked to the emergence of variants. Sources: french ministry of Health, Journal des Femmes, Le Parisien  
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