


French Senate Hemicycle (Source: French Senate)
Logo Presidential Elections 2022
(Source: Wikimedia)
USPA NEWS - Today, on thursday March 11, 2021, the Senate definitively adopted, by 317 votes for and 0 votes against (see the results of the public ballot), the draft organic law on various measures relating to the election of the President of the Republic in the resulting drafting of the text drawn up by the joint joint committee (CMP).
French Senate Logo
Source: French Senate
THE MAIN CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE SENATE OVER THE ORGANIC BILL--------------------------------------------------- The main contributions of the Senate are : IMPROVE ELECTION PROPAGANDA RULES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Strengthen the accessibility of propaganda to people with disabilities, in particular by allowing candidates to draw on the expertise of the National Consultative Council for People with Disabilities (CNCPH); 2. Require polling institutes to publish their margins of error when publishing or disseminating a poll relating to the presidential election; 3. Set an earlier date for the publication of the list of candidates, which makes it possible to secure the "interim period" during which the media must give the floor fairly to all candidates and under comparable programming conditions. . ADAPT THE CAMPAIGN FINANCING RULES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Avoid any overlap with the campaign accounts for the regional and departmental elections of June 2021, by starting the funding period for the presidential election on July 1, 2021 (for a period of approximately 9 months); 5. Increase the advance paid to all candidates (from 153,000 to 200,000 euros) to facilitate campaign financing and take inflation into account;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Give an experimental character to the dematerialization of the presidential election campaign accounts and donation receipts, in order to evaluate this device before any extension to other polls;------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Publish the presidential election campaign accounts in open data. SECURE THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Convene voters by simple decree, rather than by decree in the Council of Ministers, for consistency with Article 7 of the Constitution;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Update the list of "godfathers" who may present a candidate for the presidential election to take into account the latest territorial reforms, including the addition of the presidents of the executive councils of Corsica and Martinique, and add the 152 presidents of the consular councils. French people living abroad.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Improve the functioning of the control commissions, which ensure the regularity of the consular electoral lists (LEC) of French nationals living abroad, by securing the procedure for delisting unduly registered voters and by authorizing the Assembly of French citizens of the foreigner (AFE) to renew the mandate of full members. Source: french Senate
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