
Six thousand Moroccan illegal immigrants assault the Spanish city of Ceuta

Diplomatic crisis Spain-Morocco

Immigrants in the Tarajal beach (Source: TVE)
Red Cross help the Moroccan immigrants
(Source: TVE)
USPA NEWS - The Spanish Government sent more than a thousand policemen and Army troops to the North African city of Ceuta, under Spanish sovereignty, on Tuesday after an avalanche of 6,000 Moroccans, including 1,500 unaccompanied minors, jumped the fence that separates the city Spanish from Morocco or swim to the coast of Ceuta. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez suspended a planned trip to Paris to participate in an international meeting, given the magnitude of the migration crisis created in the North African city.
As reported on Tuesday, after the meeting of the Government, the Minister of the Home Affairs, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, some 2,700 illegal immigrants have already been returned to Morocco. The security forces look for the rest of the illegals, while the Army patrols the streets of Ceuta to guarantee the safety of the inhabitants and prevent public disorder. Some people have told the media that since the Moroccan assault on the city became known, they have not left their homes or opened their shops for fear of disturbances.
Some analysts accuse Morocco of encouraging the exodus of its nationals and of being behind this avalanche of people, the largest in memory in the North African cities of Ceuta and Melilla. And they point to the presence in a Spanish hospital of a leader of the Polisario Front, which defends the independence of the Sahara and is facing the Moroccan Government. His presence in Spain has caused a diplomatic crisis of great proportions between the governments of Madrid and Rabat.
The Spanish authorities have transferred illegal immigrants who have entered Ceuta to a soccer field, while Army soldiers have had to help several minors who came swimming to the Ceuta coast. Members of the Spanish Red Cross, immigration officials and volunteers from various NGOs collaborate in locating the Moroccans and providing them with blankets, food and water.
Tarajal beach is the one that brings together the largest number of immigrants. There, the Police tried this Tuesday to prevent them from crossing the border. On Monday, at least one person managed to cross it due to the passivity of the Moroccan Police who, according to some sources, would have received orders from his Government to remain on the sidelines. The Spanish Minister of Home Affairs, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, announced that his government will not allow illegal immigrants to enter or remain in Spanish territory. For his part, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that his Government will use all the means at its disposal to guarantee the safety of the Spanish and the inhabitants of Ceuta.
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