


US Pdt Joe Biden At White House Office (Source: White House)
Demsontrataions oevr Israel Palestine Conflict
(Source: TV Caption BFM)
USPA NEWS - It all started, last Monday 10th May, when tensions suddenly rekindled in Israel after several days of clashes in the Old City of Jerusalem around the Mosque Plaza. Violence between Palestinians and Israeli security forces at the end of Ramadan, fueled by the threat of eviction of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem (in the occupied territories) has left several hundred injured. On Monday, May 10, the tension escalated further when Hamas fired dozens of rockets from the Gaza Strip. The Israeli air force responded, killing 20 people according to Hamas. « President Biden spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to convey the U.S. commitment to strengthening the U.S.-Palestinian partnership. They discussed the current tensions in Jerusalem and the West Bank and expressed their shared desire for Jerusalem to be a place of peaceful coexistence for people of all faiths and backgrounds. » Source: White House
White House Logo
Source: White House
« President Biden spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to convey the U.S. commitment to strengthening the U.S.-Palestinian partnership. They discussed the current tensions in Jerusalem and the West Bank and expressed their shared desire for Jerusalem to be a place of peaceful coexistence for people of all faiths and backgrounds. » President Biden updated President Abbas on U.S. diplomatic engagement on the ongoing conflict and stressed the need for Hamas to cease firing rockets into Israel. They expressed their shared concern that innocent civilians, including children, have tragically lost their lives amidst the ongoing violence. The President expressed his support for steps to enable the Palestinian people to enjoy the dignity, security, freedom, and economic opportunity that they deserve. In that regard, he highlighted the recent U.S. decision to resume assistance to the Palestinian people, including economic and humanitarian assistance to benefit Palestinians in the West bank and Gaza. The President also underscored his strong commitment to a negotiated two-state solution as the best path to reach a just and lasting resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Source: White House
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