


U.S Sec. Antony Blinken OECD (Source: US Department of State)
U.S Sec. Antony Blinken OECD
(Source: US Department of State)
USPA NEWS - On October 5 and 6, Secretary Blinken is leading the U.S. delegation to the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting, chaired by the United States under the theme “Shared Values: Building a Green and Inclusive. « The United States is committed to the work of the OECD and honored to chair this year’s 60th anniversary Ministerial Council Meeting – leveraging our shared values to build a green and inclusive future. »
U.S Sec. Antony Blinken OECD
Source: US Department of State
On October 5 and 6, Secretary Blinken is leading the U.S. delegation to the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting, chaired by the United States under the theme “Shared Values: Building a Green and Inclusive. « The United States is committed to the work of the OECD and honored to chair this year’s 60th anniversary Ministerial Council Meeting – leveraging our shared values to build a green and inclusive future.»------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary Blinken said he was «  Delighted to join my #OECDMinisterial colleagues Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, The White House Council of Economic Advisors Chair Cecilia Rouse, and U.S. Department of State E Under Secretariat Jose Fernandez – as well as Chargé d’Affaires Whitney Baird and her dedicated team U.S. Mission to the OECD – in commemorating this historic gathering. »----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- « As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the OECD, this friendship and partnership with like-minded democracies continues, as members tackle shared challenges » Antony Blinken added. As the meeting was over U.S Secretary Blinken stated : "Just finished a vibrant discussion with fellow OECD members. Our democratic values brought us together 60 years ago and we reaffirmed today our commitment to individual liberty, the rule of law, human rights, gender equality, and open, free, and sustainable market economies." challenges to create better policies for better lives.---------------------------------------------------- The U.S Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who traveled to Paris, France attending the OECD Minister Council, net with Jean Yves Le Drian his counterpart and was also received by French President Emmanuel Macron, for a lengthy one-on-one" "for his first meeting with a leader of the United States since the start of the submarine tensions between the two countries. Source: OECD, US State of Department
U.S Sec Antony Blinken
Source: U.S State of Department
Source: U.S State of Department
Family Photo Minister Council OECD
Source: U.S State of Department
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