


Edouard Philippe Former PM, Le Havre (Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Edouard Philippe Former PM, Le Havre
(Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Edouard Philippe, former Prime Minister (2017-2020), launches his new right-wing party, on 9.10.21, from the Docks of his city of Le Havre (he was re-elected mayor of Le Havre in 2020),. After a long speech of two hours, in front of a rather calm assembly, which applauds in the strong moments of this meeting, primarily made up of one hundred and thirty six mayors, including the mayor of Deauville, Philippe Augier (136), six hundred local elected officials and sixty members of Parliament and guests, and groups of Jewish students of optical sciences, and engineers, as well as numerous photographers, and a press from Paris and the Normandy region. The room full of three thousand people is a chair before the arrival of Edouard Philippe by Delphine Burkli, mayor of Paris 9th district and Olivier Bechu, mayor of Angers. Delphine Burkli exclaims loudly at the microphone: "This morning we are all on the platform, ready to embark on a formidable human and political adventure!" On the stage of the Docks du Havre, the mayor of the 9th arrondissement of Paris warms the room with Christophe Bechu, his counterpart from Angers, and calls out to certain well-known mayors.
Edouard Philippe Former PM, Le Havre
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Edouard Philippe, former Prime Minister (2017-2020), launches his new right-wing party, on 9.10.21, from the Docks of his city of Le Havre (he was re-elected mayor of Le Havre in 2020),. After a long speech of two hours, in front of a rather calm assembly, which applauds in the strong moments of this meeting, primarily made up of one hundred and thirty six mayors, including the mayor of Deauville, Philippe Augier (136), six hundred local elected officials and sixty members of Parliament and guests, and groups of Jewish students of optical sciences, and engineers, as well as numerous photographers, and a press from Paris and the Normandy region. The room full of three thousand people is a chair before the arrival of Edouard Philippe by Delphine Burkli, mayor of Paris 9th district and Olivier Bechu, mayor of Angers. Delphine Burkli exclaims loudly at the microphone: "This morning we are all on the platform, ready to embark on a formidable human and political adventure!" On the stage of the Docks du Havre, the mayor of the 9th arrondissement of Paris warms the room with Christophe Bechu, his counterpart from Angers, and calls out to certain well-known mayors, recalling that they "came from the four corners of France", as well as heavyweights of the Macron government and like Christophe Castaner, Patron of the presidential majority in the National Assembly, Franck Riester (Ex Minister of Culture) and Minister Delegate to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, for Foreign Trade and Attractiveness. After having proclaimed with seriousness and a few punchlines "" and humorous allusions which characterize Edouard Philippe, he finally unveiled the name of his new party "Horizons" which encourages "to see far to do good" and fight the four vertigo pillars of so speech, around the 1st Vertigo of galloping world demography (11Ms in 2050, with Nigeria which will reach the population of the USA every two years), that of the environmental, geopolitical challenge, in line with an overtaking of China over the USA by production of cement for example and its GDP growth versus India and the fourth which is technological in view of AI supplanting human labor. These four vertigo, were detailed during nearly an hour of the speech, by Edouard Philippe, speaking in an orderly, structured and easy way, hunt authors (Alexandre Dumas, Kissinger, De Gaulle, Sarkozy ...) in front of a teleprompter screen very discreet, on stage. EDOUARD PHILIPPE IS CLEARLY AFFIRMING HIS SUPPORT FIR EMMANUEL MACRON'S RELECTION IN 2022 Edouard Philippe, who left the governorship of Emmanuel Macron in the summer of 2020, after having managed the COVID-19 crisis, had enjoyed a very good popularity with a rating of over 49% (Poll Elabe, Les Echos, 2 Sept 21) fine, after leaving government. And, according to Poll Ipsos within the Presidential Majority's LREM “En Marche” Party, 56% of those polled “think highly of him” and 87% think favorably. The former Prime Minister repeated twice during his speech his support for President Macron "my goal for 2022 is to support the election of the President of the Republic" and "the re-election of the President of the Republic" He added, however, that "This re-election is far from being won in advance, and justifying that it" will require a broadening of its electoral base. " He thus justified the high rates of cumulative violence in France by a lack of resources allocated to justice.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “The separation of power exists, however the most fragile link is that of Justice. However, the figures speak for themselves, because there is a gap between France, which spends € 70 per inhabitant / per year versus € 130 / inhabitant / year in Germany and with twice as many judges in Germany. In France a prosecutor has ten times more cases to deal with than in Germany. The speed of justice is essentially slowed by that lack of means ”
Edouard Philippe Former PM, Le Havre
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Paul Laurouturou LCI Itvw Aurore Berger LREM MP
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Flyer Horizons New Party launched by E. Philippe
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Edouard Philippe Former PM, Le Havre
Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Halfway through his long two-hour speech, Edouard Philippe began a second part of his keynote, on more national subjects recalling the period when he was prime minister and his favorite subjects, "The colossal and worrying public debt" and "the Reform of retirement Necessary ”Apart from these four vertigo to which the former French Prime Minister, Normand, proposed to“ tilt forward and see straight ahead towards oneself, so as not to tilt backwards ”Edouard Philippe has a lot talked about the public debt which he considers "too important and proceeding" with "2730 € billion of public debt which represents 115% of our national wealth in 2005, we had the same% as Germany is 60%". He also spoke of the second component is that of the retirement reform that he considers "necessary" by providing for a retirement age of 65, or 67, to finance future pensions. He then speaks of Putting “order in the accounts” concerning debt management and “in the streets” to combat the different types of violence, both “domestic, terrorist and urban, linked to drug trafficking”. France. "When I say we need to get our accounts and our streets in order, I'm not criticizing the president," he said, however. Finally, Edouard Philippe also rested on "reforming the State" by explaining that there is one in the French State, a break-up of atomized structures and dismemberments and that is "worrying" he thus advocated for "a New State”. He was very applauded by the audience. The pension scheme reform initiated by the government of Edouard Philippe during his role as PM had been withdrawn in 2020, deemed too unpopular and “not appropriate at this precise moment” of the COVID-19 crisis period, and post-strike of the Yellow Vests in France.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His faithful director of cabinet Gilles Boyer and friend, was in a hurry and confirmed to us at the end of the speech that yes "Horizon, allows to see far and wide, towards a perspective in front of you" questions on the name of this party, which also answers to the perspective of a view in height from the town hall of Le Havre: The gaze is necessarily oriented towards the horizon, given the a pressens of the port of Le Havre which sweeps the open gaze towards the rest of the world, both UK and USA ... in the distance . But Horizons can also mean that the party of which Edouard Philippe advocates the enlargement to other members from different political colors and therefore new "horizons". Christophe Bechu will therefore be the Secretary General of this anti, of which he will file the official statutes of Monday, October 11, 21 to formalize it. As for a possible candidacy for the next presidential election of 2022, Edouard Philippe would rather plan on a more distant deadline like his party “horizons” of that of 2027, and would thus pass his turn for the imminent election of which the campaign has already started.
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