


Pdt Macron Tony Estanguet Chairman Paris 2024 (Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
COJO Facade Paris 2024
(Source: Jedi Foster, RSR)
USPA NEWS - President Emmanuel Macron devoted his afternoon and evening, Thursday, October 14, to Sport Francais and the preparation of the 2024 Olympic Games, which will take place in Paris. The Head of State first went to Tremblay-en-France (in the Department 93, the poorest in France) on the site of the athletes' village in Seine-Saint-Denis, under construction, in the district adjacent to Carrefour Pleyel. The president "greeted the teamwork" and spoke with several workers of this site which extends over more than 50 hectares and must be completed in December 2023. Then he went, alongside the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo (Socialist Candidate for the Presidential 2022, with 4.5% to 5% of voting intentions) and president of the Solideo (delivery company of Olympic works) as well as Valerie Pecresse, pressing from the Ile de France Region (Candidate The Republicans in the 2022 Presidential, with 11% of voting intentions. President Macron then made a speech at the headquarters of the organization of the Olympic aimes Paris 2024, in front of some 500 employees and partners, alongside Tony Estanguet and the President of the Olympic Committee.
Pdt Macron Tony Estanguet Chairman Paris 2024
Source: RSR Jedi Foster
President Emmanuel Macron devoted his afternoon and evening, Thursday, October 14, to Sport Francais and the preparation of the 2024 Olympic Games, which will take place in Paris. The Head of State first went to Tremblay-en-France (in the Department 93, the poorest in France) on the site of the athletes' village in Seine-Saint-Denis, under construction, in the district adjacent to Carrefour Pleyel. The president "greeted the teamwork" and spoke with several workers of this site which extends over more than 50 hectares and must be completed in December 2023. Then he went, alongside the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo (Socialist Candidate for the Presidential 2022, with 4.5% to 5% of voting intentions) and president of the Solideo (delivery company of Olympic works) as well as Valerie Pecresse, pressing from the Ile de France Region (Candidate The Republicans in the 2022 Presidential, with 11% of voting intentions. President Macron then made a speech at the headquarters of the organization of the Olympic aimes Paris 2024, in front of some 500 employees and partners, alongside Tony Estanguet and the President of the Olympic Committee. He, thus announced, in the atrium of the OCOG, under the very high glass ceilings, of this new building, 100% ecological, with low energy consumption, in Gold colors, thanks to the materials of wood and glass , a "huge boost r "to" put sport at the heart of the nation "by the Olympics-2024 in Paris with the construction of 5,000 local facilities, for an amount of 200 million euros will be released, including 100 in 2022, a confirmed the head of state. He added that he would like "The objective is not simply to have medals, it is to put sport at the heart of the nation", with a view to the Olympics "but also afterwards", he added. he launched, alongside young 3X3 basketball players, Tony Estanguet for his part, felt that and that to have merged the Olympic and Paralympic Games is a way towards a way to “move the lines” and “push the limits” with a collective work which resulted in "2000 commues solicited in our territories as far as Tahiti": the "1016 days" that remain before the Games were "not going to be a long quiet river". Tony Estanguet promised to "continue to meet the challenges" and "stick together" like the "1001 renewable energies project" He warmly thanked President Macron "You received us in 2017 with the odds of the committee of the IOC, then in July 2017 and regularly you have always supported us and would shine, thank you very much for your presence and support ”After a furtive lunch, President Macron went to the Poissy Stadium (Yvelines) where he participated in one warmly to perpetrate a football match, (yellow Coins)friendly charity, on the occasion of the 50 years of Varietes (VCF) for the benefit of the foundation of the Pieces Jaunes Hospitals, chaired by Brigitte Macron.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Emmanuel Macron appeared to be in great shape and so wore the football kit, and played the charity football match with the Variety Club de France against the Poissy team. The president, who had already participated in a training session for Olympique de Marseille at the start of his mandate in 2017. In a sequence broadcast live, Sports President Macron even scored a goal, a penalty, shot full center. A private gala evening took place at the Elysee where President Macron was filmed by guests, dancing with the players of the climb Variety, a venerable euro fattest of the midday leapers match, to the rhythm of the song: “I will survive” by Gloria Gaynor…
Macron Plays Football Charity Match
Source: TV BFM Caption
PRESIDENT MACRON THINKS SPORT IS "GOOD FOR THE WHOLE NATION"----------------------------------------------- President Emmanuel Macron praised a sports plan "good for the whole nation", which will "give a huge boost to practices" by 2024. He has announced that sports equipment will be built in this way, with "at least 50%" of funding provided by the State, 1,000 "citystades" (multisports grounds), 1,000 dojos and combat sports halls, 500 3X3 basketball courts to boost practice, 500 padel tennis courts, 500 skateparks, 200 mobile sports sites such as swimming pools, or even "innovative" equipment using digital technology. During the reception offered by President Macron, who received the medal champions of the Tokyo Olympics, last month, criticism was expressed as to the "demands" of the head of state, who urged French athletes to "do a lot. more "in 2024 and to bring back" more medals "again…. To this criticism Emmanuel Macron answers:" I have not seen many sportsmen shaken by what I had said ", supplementing" We took stock and remobilized. This is what all the coaches do every day with their team, this is high level sport ", he defended. France only brought back 33 Olympic medals from Tokyo, below the score 42 obtained in Rio in 2016. For now, "we are there, we must continue" because "everything must be perfect in 2024" for these "Games to be exemplary", added President Macron.----------------------------------------------- PRESIDENT MACRON SEES THREE OBJECTIVES FOR D0 2024: "TRUST, AMBITION, SUSTAINABILITY"----------- President Emmanuel Macron after thanking the officials present, such as local elected officials, member of parliament, prefect, patrons, and members of the 2024 Olympic Committee, then outlined the three pillars essential to the success of the bet of the 2024 Olympic Games of inclusiveness, which are: "Firstly, Confidence in the French teams" in the face of 4.5 billion spectators at the Tokyo Olympics, Secondly, Ambition, ie making games fairer through these events and meet the party to keep this requirement of Inclusive until the end ”He then insisted on the notion of“ letting the territories allow an infusion in terms of employment and in particular in this department, thus confining to the City of Paris and the Ile de France Region to take up "this challenge of justice which consists in hiring young people and less young people in contracts of insertion bitch to the Services of the State work and to ensure this ambition for our young people" he insisted. Thirdly "Through the constructions and this place is the illustration with the certifications on which we are committed, we will take a step forward and leave a unique and sustainable carbon footprint". The head of state Macron finally added that he "has already sent his congratulations, to the teams with the Olympic village, who have already fulfilled the mission of the challenge within this mission and maintained and respected the deadlines. Thanks to Tony Estanguet »
Signature President Macron COJO JO 2024
Source: RSR Jedi Foster
PRESIDENT MACRON ENCOURAGES INCLUSIVE SPORT AT SCHOOL AND FOR BETTER HEALTH------------------ "We are a sports nation, thanks to Coubertin, having even more excellence and more investment to prepare high level athletes in and beyond medals, sports education is important for young people, and we must do so that Sport is part of National Education with the 30 minutes of sport at school ”insisted President Macron. He added that "incisive sport must be able to concern people regardless of their physical or social condition", in support of his proposal for the Sport Pass, to allow a "Common life towards values". He also highlighted the health benefits of sport to "fight obesity and enable a healthier sporting nation." This is why we continue to invest " "WE WILL TRANSFORM THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF THE NATION THANKS TO SPORT" PRESIDENT MACRON SAID------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ President Emmanuel Macron insisted on his level of excellence requirement in sports results. equipment and energy cities in terms of sustainable development ”. He added that France must "put sport at the heart of the nation, and that this will not stop in 2024" "Be proud to bet on this chance to transform our cities and our lives" he thanked by addressing young people, participating in this great adventure of the Olympic Games 2024. He ends on the allotted time "The next 1000 days will be crucial and I will always be here to encourage you" ../
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