
Three Day visit from Dutch Prince

Alexander and Maxima visit Brasil

G.H. Hoffmann welcomes the Royals (Source:
USPA NEWS - Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Ploumen started the day for a meeting at the ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade to discuss and further strengthen mutual trade relations between Brazil and the Netherlands.
After that, their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima of the Netherlands and minister Ploumen had a meeting with the minister of Agriculture to confirm the already good relations between the Netherlands and Brazil in this field of expertise. How to improve market access was one of the subjects they discussed.

Later that day, Dr. A. Dijkhuizen, president and Chairman Executive Board of the University & Research centre of Wageningen, commended Princess Máxima for being “a fantastic promoter of the Agriculture industries of the Netherlands.“
Around eleven o´clock in the morning the delegation arrived at Palácio do Planalto for a meeting with the right hand of president Dilma Roussef, Gleisi Hoffmann. They specifically discussed the huge national investment programme called “Plano Brasil Maior“ to strengthen the Brazilian economy. A part of this programme is related to the construction of roads, railroads, harbors and airports. The Brazilian government will invest an amount of EUR 55 billion in the next two years in these sectors in which Dutch companies have plenty of knowledge and experience. After this successful meeting, the delegation went to the ministry of Finance.
Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Orange, Princess Máxima of the Netherlands and Hans Biesheuvel, chairman of MKB-Nederland, explained the goals of the economic mission: strengthening and expending the relations between Brazil and the Netherlands through businesses, culture, science and education with a special focus on certain industries that accompany the delegation.
Assigning Memorandum Of Understanding

Next stop was a lunch meeting with representatives of CNI, the Brazilian variant of VNO-NCW and SEBRAE, the Brazilian variant of MBK-Nederland. During the lunch, Hans Biesheuvel, representative of VNO-NCW and chairman of MKB-Nederland, gave a speech in which he stressed not to forget Europe,, despite the current Euro-crisis.
After the signing ceremony the delegation went to CAPES, the implementing organization of the ministry of Education, where they attended the seminar “˜Science without Borders´. Here the State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science Dekker and Princess Máxima of the Netherlands spoke about the importance of studying abroad. Princess Máxima provided a lively comparison between football and studying abroad, indicating that both activities take a while to get used to but provide an experience that you take with you the rest of your life.
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