
URGENT -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says `actively exploring` White House bid

USPA News - Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has decided to "actively explore the possibility" of running for the White House in 2016, he said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that he plans to establish a political action committee to facilitate his efforts in engaging with Americans. Bush, 61, said he made the decision after discussing the country`s future with his wife Columba.
"As a result of these conversations and thoughtful consideration of the kind of strong leadership I think America needs, I have decided to actively explore the possibility of running for President of the United States," he said. Jeb Bush served as Governor of Florida between 1999 and 2007 and is frequently mentioned as a possible candidate for the 2016 presidential election. A Gallup poll in July showed that about 31 percent of Americans view Jeb Bush favorably, but another 35 percent did not have an opinion about him yet.
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