
Spanish Government and Socialists agreed the permanent prison

The agreement could be signed on Monday

USPA NEWS - The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, and the leader of the first opposition party, the Socialist Pedro Sanchez, meet Friday in Madrid to try to close a deal on terrorism include the establishment of a life sentence for serious crimes.
Following the attacks in France against the magazine Charlie Hebdo, Pedro Sanchez said the Conservative Spanish Government support Socialist Party (PSOE) in the fight against terrorism. The Government intends to develop its latest reform of the Penal Code, which establishes the "revisable permanent prison," a fancy way of calling to life imprisonment, which was rejected by the Socialists. Now, the two heads of the Government and the PSOE try to mend fences and close a deal, if signed Monday, will become a bill that will be brought to Parliament.
But politics is the art of dissimulation and socialist leader knows he can not backtrack on its rejection of life imprisonment. Or is it? Pedro Sanchez has started a commitment by the Government that Article 572 bis will say that terrorists may be condemned "the maximum penalty" in Articles 33 and 35 of the Criminal Code, where it the "permanent prison mentioned revisable "for very serious crimes such as those whose victims are minors, multiple murders and assassinations. In any case, the Socialists promise to repeal life imprisonment when they reach the Government. For now, the opposition leader has managed to give their support to life imprisonment without mentioning the covenant.
The agreement aims to hinder the action of terrorists, especially so-called "lone wolves" of Jihadism, and prevent Spain from becoming school or scene of attacks. Therefore, the two main Spanish parties want to punish the training abroad of Spanish citizens as terrorists and terrorist consultation Internet content. The text punishable by 8-15 years in prison for those who "have shown a willingness" to commit attacks or have "begun preparations" to commit.
With sentences of one to eight years in prison to be punished receive military training of terrorist organizations and also punish those who have contacted or "have shown a willingness" to contact with terrorist organizations, whom he trained very self through consultation Internet and who moves abroad for military training of criminal organizations. Finally, fixing penalties of one to three years in prison for those who exalt terrorism or humiliate victims, particularly severe if they do over the Internet.
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