
Bolivar at the Parthenon

Greek Prime Minister fire Europe

USPA NEWS - Since Greece gained independence from the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century, the Hellenic country has always lived with calculator in hand. What this shows is that the economic problems are structural and require profound reforms and a change of mentality that breaks with the past.
When the legislative elections were held on January 25, the situation in Gracia was unbearable. That explains the majority obtained by populism of SYRIZA. When the people who feel stifled be told what they want to hear, the people vote the alleged savior. The problem is that the promises are not always realistic and when they collide with reality, generate frustration in which previously felt excited.
This is what happened to Greece, perhaps prematurely. The party promised not to pay the debt and subdue UE, Troika reject and control the banks, has met with some European partners unwilling to consent dealings please, accept blackmail and to be identified as the alleged perpetrators of Greek problems. The consequence is that the European Commission requires enforce agreements and investors fleeing Greece to the lack of guarantees that derives from the attitude of the Greek government.
The best thing that has managed to make SYRIZA in his first month in office is to face the Greeks with the EU. The last example has given Prime Minister Alex Tsipras, who accused Spain and Portugal to form an axis whose aim is to overthrow his government. States that it is for fear of Madrid and Lisbon to extending the Greek example. The argument is not new and always appears in the mouths of populist leaders of the radical left. Were Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro earlier in Venezuela.
The latter recently accused the United States, Colombia and Spain to form an axis to end the Bolivarian revolution. The speech was born in Venezuela has crossed the Atlantic Ocean and is installed in Europe. Has adopted a left that does not find its place since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of the USSR in 1991, from the realization that communism, as Marx imagined, is ineffective and sometimes as corrupt as capitalism which he opposes. It is therefore easy prey for extremists who threaten Europe.
And that is dangerous. We have found connections between the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela and the new Spanish political party Podemos, and between it and SYRIZA. Populism weaves its network in Europe and responds to difficulties with unfounded accusations, blaming others for not recognizing his inability, becoming the victim to citizens. The problem is that Syriza bears little over a month in the Government of Greece and has not had time to demonstrate their management capacity and in Spain the new political party Podemos not yet been subjected to the scrutiny of the ballot box.
Blaming others before start governing mortgage political leaders and puts question. It is urgent that new Rulers learn that the game can not handle convenience or you can play with money, hopes and intelligence of the citizens, who, above all, truth and some honest politicians deserve. Inflammatory statements do not help to reassure investors, who are the best allies of governments to overcome the crisis.
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