
Rajoy called to fight radicalism in Europe

Meeting of the European People Party

Rajoy during his speach (Source: PP)
Meeting of the European Popular Party
(Source: PP)
USPA NEWS - The president of the Spanish Government and the Popular Party (conservative), Mariano Rajoy, called Thursday in Toledo, with its partners in the European People's Party, to combat all radicalism and better communicate with citizens.
"The radicalism of right or left, nationalism and xenophobic parties" and "artificial inventions have never solved anything or have anything positive in history, and that you also have to explain to all citizens," Rajoy said, who called "combat" radical and populist movements that are emerging in Europe, and do so with the "strength of the principles and achievements".
In connection with jihadism, Rajoy called for cooperation between European countries in police, judicial and intelligence levels, and even "military where necessary" without forgetting the dialogue with Muslim countries. "In the PPE must fight these movements with the strength of our principles and regain the confidence of citizens in the process of European integration, which has brought us peace and prosperity, the longest period in history," he said before highlighting the situation in Europe being, prosperity and coexistence, "since the Treaty of Rome".
Rajoy said that Europeans do not realize sometimes what Europe is and do not have the expertise to do battle esteem because they are 25% of global GDP, "we are an area of freedom, democracy, human rights, utility, there is a space well in the world", he said, before claiming that all this is explained to citizens recognizing that improvement "and we will not surrender".
In economic news, Rajoy recalled how some "they said we could not do it alone and required us ransom; we did not ask because it was not good for Spain and for Europe and the Spanish have achieved through their efforts that we are in another situation", said, after insisting that thanks to the effort of citizens, "we're going to put us on the path of growth and job creation, something without which there would be no social protection and welfare".
During his speech to the Political Bureau of the European People's Party, Rajoy stressed the difficult moments that happen to live in Spain and Europe, "facing the worst crisis in decades", so touched respond to challenges which have proof consensus among countries and the ability to make tough decisions. In this regard, noted that some of these measures were taken out of the conviction that they were necessary "to avoid the risk of bankruptcy of our economies first, then restore the fundamental equilibrium after many years without reforms, and all this while safeguarding the pillars European welfare model".
During his speech, he reiterated that the crisis we have experienced has taught us that the Europeans have paid a high price for recall some basic principles as you can not spend money you do not have, that we must not live on loans and you have to be prudent with public money. "This crisis has demanded a very large to citizens of all countries and only his moral fiber has allowed us to strengthen joint efforts", he said before adding that "it has cost us effort and sacrifice to get here and the future is promising, but should remember that it is easier to undo to do, destroy than to build and return or stay still to reform".
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