
Spain condemns the destruction of the ruins of Nimrud

By the terrorist group Daesh

USPA NEWS - The Spanish Government condemns in the strongest terms the continued destruction of cultural heritage of Iraq terrorist group Daesh. Moncloa Palace issued a statement condemning these acts and calling for international unity against jihadism.
A destruction at the Museum of Mosul a week ago and many other mosques and mausoleums in areas under their oppression, are now added new acts of barbarism against the ruins of the Assyrian city of Nimrud, with which tries in vain Daesh to annihilate history, said the Spanish Government, concerned about the barbarity of which boast Daesh terrorists..
The government moved its solidarity to the authorities and people of Iraq for this damage to its historical and cultural heritage and hopes that the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity heritage answer for them to justice. Spain reiterates its support for Iraq in its efforts to restore peace and national harmony and combating Daesh under international coalition at the request of the inclusive Government of Iraq.
Otherwise, Spain welcomes the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation for Mali stemming from the inter-Malian dialogue undertaken in Algiers in recent months. Spain congratulates Algeria on its important intermediation and facilitation efforts in this dialogue process. “‹Spain encourages all parties to the agreement to ratify and comprehensive apply its content as an essential aspect of the path to peace, stability and development in Mali. Spain will continue supporting initiatives that seek the best interests of peace and development in Mali.
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