
We need to create in the Mediterranean a large area of security and prosperity

Summit in Barcelona

Family photo of Summit (Source: Pool Moncloa)
Rajoy during his speach
(Source: Pool Moncloa)
USPA NEWS - During the opening of the Ministerial EU-Neighbourhood South Summit in Barcelona, the Spanish Prime Minister has opted for cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean to manage an orderly migration flows and combat the threat of jihadist terrorism.
Asserting that the Mediterranean "unites us, not divides us" and that we "joint and responsibly to care," Mariano Rajoy said that "only the pooling up projects and resources will enable us to overcome the challenges we face both banks", since" the stakes stability and welfare of all." The Spanish Prime Minister has defended the value of the unit against disintegration in the changing world in which we live. "The weight of what we have in common versus what separates us and reaffirm our common values" are the basis for "moving forward into future projects for the benefit of all our countrymen."
Rajoy has stressed that the ENP is "an excellent tool" to be modernized and tuned "to better fulfill its role" in a changing environment characterized "by the magnitude of both the challenges and opportunities". As explained by the Spanish Prime Minister, the objective of the Ministerial Summit in Barcelona is to deepen the relations of friendship and cooperation, "making them more flexible and effective". It is, he added, "to reaffirm the commitment of Europe to the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean to Europe."
The Spanish president of government said that the Mediterranean must face two major challenges: illegal immigration and jihadist terrorism. Regarding the first, Rajoy has defended "the orderly management of migratory flows" to end the "heartbreaking" drama that causes thousands of victims. He added that should increase development cooperation, generating job opportunities and training for young people in their countries. It is also necessary, he said, increase investment and trade with the region and encourage immigration through legal channels and bilateral and multilateral dialogue.
In this sense, the chief executive said that "Europe must use all the tools at its disposal to create an area of prosperity between the two shores of the Mediterranean" because "we are called to act with greater commitment to governments and populations living moments of instability." After remember the victims of jihadist terrorism, Rajoy has stressed that this is the main challenge we face because it constitutes "direct to the security of our countries, our citizens threat".
He insisted that it can not accept the "gross deception" to speak of "jihadism as representative of Islam" because "the Islamic world is as much a victim as the other terrorist scourge". Rajoy has explained that the best way to fight against jihadist terrorism is international cooperation: "Together we are stronger.“ As noted, this struggle requires not only actions strictly related to safety, but preventive diplomacy, promoting intercultural dialogue and control of funding sources is also necessary. The Spanish Prime Minister was convinced that "the shared commitment between the two shores of the Mediterranean allow us to defeat the terrorist barbarism and promote a common space of freedom, stability and prosperity."
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