
The King of Spain commends the commitment of the free press to democracy

International Journalism Awards

The King of Spain in his speech
(Source: Casa del Rey)
USPA NEWS - The International Journalism Awards 'King of Spain' and 'Don Quixote' Journalism Award recognizes the informative work of professional journalists of Spanish and Portuguese language of the states of the South American Community of Nations and the nations with which Spain has historic links.
This time, the awards have rewarded journalists Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, United States and Peru. In his speech, the King of Spain stressed the importance of "journalism constant adaptation to new technologies and new narrative styles" and stated that "today, all aspects of economic and social activity are affected by a reality defined by new technologies and the immediate and permanent communication, and require therefore adapt to these new circumstances."
Philip VI congratulated the winners, "real protagonists of this act", "because with the quality and excellence of their work, in addition to reaffirming the vitality and potentiality of their profession, the profession and the need to function for life collective and democratic coexistence, contribute heavily to farm the prestige of our awards." He also thanked them "for their excellent work and dedication and commitment to the exercise of a free press that makes them contribute to building societies each day more just and democratic."
The King emphasized that "to recognize the best journalism in Spanish and Portuguese of Latin American nations and other countries with which we maintain linguistic, historical and cultural affinities, help to structure the media in a large multinational space, to set at common, zoom in and connect the realities or problems that affect societies that compose it and who have been treated in the winning entries. A successful way to help the sense or feeling of cultural community that is part of our identity is strengthened Latin American.“
The event began with speeches by Secretary General of International Cooperation for Development and CEO of EFE, Gonzalo Robles and Jose Antonio Vera, respectively. After an audiovisual presentation about the winners, the Kings made awards, corresponding to:

-XI Don Quixote Journalism Prize, the Peruvian novelist and essayist Fernando Iwasaki by Article 'Extraterritorial La Mancha', published in the supplement 'Artes y Letras' the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio on 17 August 2014. The jury awards an article in which the author reflects on the situation of the Spanish language and its future.
-XXXII International Journalism Award King of Spain, in the category of Television, the 'Press Club', the Colombian chain NTN24 program, dedicated to the analysis of current information Latin American and directed by Juan Carlos Iragorri.

-XXXII International Journalism Award King of Spain, in the category of Radio, Margarita Esparza for his work 'Homeless tour guides' on Radio 5 of Radio Nacional de España on November 5, 2013.

-XXXII International Journalism Award King of Spain, in the category of Photography, the Brazilian Domingos Peixoto, for 'Crime and printed liberdade' series of three photographs published in the newspaper O Globo on February 6, 2014.
-XXXII International Journalism Award King of Spain, in the category of Newspapers, the Bolivian Roberto Navia Gabriel, by 'Tribes of the Inquisition', published in the newspaper El Deber the July 5, 2014.

-XXXII International Journalism Award King of Spain, in the category of Digital Journalism, Jose Fernando Lopez, Maria Arce and equipment Univision (USA) for work 'Children of the border', published in April 2014 in univision.com.
-XXXII International Journalism Award King of Spain, in the category of Special Iberoamerican Journalism Award for Environmental and Sustainable Development, Nuria Mejias, Jose Luis Fernandez Cabeza and his team for the report 'Living without water in blue planet' of the series 'Water, global project', issued in the program 'Weekly report' of Television Española on March 22, 2014.
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