
Secretary of State John Kerry canceled his first official visit to Spain

By an accident in Switzerland

USPA NEWS - US Secretary of State, John Kerry, canceled on Sunday his first official visit to Spain due to a bicycle accident he suffered in the morning in Switzerland where he was. The canceled visit would be the first by a head of American diplomacy in four years.
During his visit, Kerry and his Spanish counterpart, Minister of Foreing Affairs, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, were to sign the agreement that makes the air base of Moron de la Frontera, in the province of Seville, southern Spain, on the basis permanent military force of US rapid deployment in northern Africa. The agreement was approved Friday by the Spanish Government and will allow the deployment in Moron 2,200 military, 500 civilians and 26 aircraft of the USAF and Marine Corps.
The cancellation of the visit was officially communicated mid-morning on Sunday. The secretary of state was admitted to a hospital in Geneva, where he was diagnosed with broken femur. His situation was stable, but was forced to cancel its agenda. In Spain, Kerry would be received Monday by the King of Spain, Philip VI, and the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. The Spanish Government approved the agreement and would sign the two foreign ministers must be ratified by the Spanish Parliament, where the Popular Party (PP in its acronym in Spanish) that supports the conservative Government of Mariano Rajoy has an absolute majority.
In addition, this agreement and Kerry's visit to Madrid certifying the normalization of relations between Spain and the United States, which were played the previous term after hostile gestures of the former president of the Spanish Government, the socialist Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, as withdrawal troops from Iraq or the rudeness not get up and salute the American flag in the parade of the Spanish National Party, who had been invited to the US military.
After the election victory of the PP, the Spanish diplomacy has had to work very hard to regain the confidence of the White House. The first signs of the approach revealed President Barack Obama to publicly praise the economic policy of the conservative Spanish Government, defend its reforms and support the entry of Spain in the Security Council of the UN. But during the current term, which ends next November, no senior official of the US Administration visited Spain. The visit of the Secretary of State of the United States has been postponed without date.
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