


(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
USPA NEWS - As we are supposed to be all equal, the question regarding our social relationships is for sure the distance we keep between each other and the notion of separatism. The different classes express this their proper way. Noone can certify to master his social and cultural environment.
We do not have to be pro or against the globalization, we just have to note that it induces life focussed around cities provoking inequalities inside the country. The system works well, creating wealth but not integrating the poorests. What is their futur going to be ? What could be the complementary model for this part of the society ? Some recent polls sent the message that the poors are not appreciated, even they are disliked. The social racism becoming a dominant sentiment. It has been 20 years since was said a great movement will happen coming soon from the suburbs. We are still waiting. But, during that time, several signs came as warnings
Some recent polls sent the message that the poors are not appreciated, even they are disliked. The social racism becoming a dominant sentiment. It has been 20 years since was said a great movement will happen coming soon from the suburbs. We are still waiting. But, during that time, several signs came as warnings, such as the National Front vote, the rebellion from the Bonnets Rouges, the revealing high score of abstention, resisting movement against the relocation of national companies...
The idea that we have to reeducate the mass and to put them back into the right track is very popular within the politicians.The working class is considered as an obstacle to the road to globalization. The working class is seen as not voting right, loosing itself into religion, and only a good reframing work on mass would help the economical situation. Obviously, it is wrong, the last years prouved it. The example of France is talking : «France des invisibles» (France of invisible people) is the one of working class. A real problem for politicians because representing 60% of the population. Radical contestings are emerging making more and more noise.
Up to now, only the National Front (Extreme Right) was using this anger to adapt its discourse, the reason is that this party wasn't scoring in the metropoles. Nevertheless, neither the Socialist Party (Left Wing) or Les Républicains (Right Wing) can make is without the metropoles. The working class will soon be a stake to count on for the next elections and crucial political issues.
Socialist Party understood finally that they were far away from the working class problems and it became urgent to come back to fundamentals using the gathering of all minorities. It was from that statement that colored people (Blacks, Arabs, Muslims mostly ) voted as a whole joining «bobos» and bureaucrats. To persuade that Sarkozy was racist and islamophobiac resolved in getting the colored people voting for François Hollande... A great cynical plan working perfectly in term of electoral marketing. Facing the Socialist Party, the Right Wing agitated the spectrum of the dangerous threat of invasion coming from the immigrants. The main aim was to attrack the «White» voters into their net, another form of cynical calculation.
Anyway, it is too late to bring back fragilized people back to the cities because they are not needed there anymore to run the place.We can verify this in France, Europe and also in United States. For the time being, there is no counter-model and we have more chances to move forward in a positive way using the right attitude such as respecting the Democracy and the debate between parties and different actors involved more or less in the national issues. Noone should be afraid of the National Front or, at the opposite, the Muslims or immigrants population (often shown as the «danger» in the media and through politicians discourses from traditional parties).
We should learn using a new software, to get rid of dogmatisms and frameworks of previous times. For instance, it became very hard, nowadays, to distinguish Right Wing and Left Wing regarding their position in dealing with national issues. They follow roughly the same agenda. We should take into account the moving world around us, how to deal with it knowing that it creates differences between classes, sacrifying a large part of the population and increasing amazingly the power of a minority.
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