
Parliament approved the Spanish contribution to the rescue of Greece

Extraordinary debate in August

USPA NEWS - The Spanish House of Representatives on Tuesday approved in a special session that interrupted vacation of Deputies, by 297 votes in favor, 20 against and five abstentions, the third bailout of Greece.
At the proposal of the conservative PP they joined the Socialist PSOE, centrist UPyD, the Catalan nationalist Convergence (CDC) and Union (UDC), the Basque nationalist PNV and the Mixed Group formations like Canary Coalition (CC), Asturias Forum (FAC) and Union del Pueblo Navarro (UPN), but demanded measures to rebuild trust between European partners and community integration. All parties to the left of the PSOE voted against on the grounds that a bailout is not the solution to the problems of Greece and others have limited Spain to sign an agreement that would have addressed other, referring to Germany, the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF.
During the extraordinary plenary session, the Socialist spokesman of Economy, Juan Moscoso del Prado, expressed the support of the PSOE to an agreement that "prevents the breakdown of the euro," which get down a "clearly worse alternative", but expressed their opposition to certain "details and conditionalities" included in the agreement. However, he warned that "it will take a lot more" for Greece and the Eurozone "grow back with vigor and sustainability" and to rebuild trust in the last year because of mistakes on both sides. "It takes only end to austerity, but also profound political reforms in the EU," he said.
European socialists "will lead" a change from September to reform "ambitious" European Union and "worthwhile", even to touch the treaties in the medium term to build a fiscal union that allows to have a European budget to finance policies and community property, to harmonize the tax system and to create a social union harmonizing labor markets and extend solidarity tools in areas such as unemployment benefits, said Socialist spokesman.
In addition, Moscoso del Prado claimed the implementation of humanitarian aid plan for Greece announced in spring and a review of the Greek debt is unsustainable at current levels. Finally, criticized throughout the negotiation process, the Spanish government was characterized by a "total lack of ideas" and "unwillingness to influence anything that might disturb" to Germany. In the debate, the Government's position was defended by the Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos, whom the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, handed the responsibility of defending the rescue. Spain will contribute to the Greek rescue 10.000 million Euros.
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