


Logo Thalys TGV Train (Source: SCNF)
Bernard Cazeneuve French Minister of Interior
(Source: Official Bernard Cazeneuve)
USPA NEWS - During an important meeting of EU ministers of Interior held in Paris, Bernard Cazeneuve French Interior Minister announced "tighter controls" on the train.This measure has just been adopted between 9 countries, following the Thalys attack of August 21, which nearly caused a massacre.
Place Bauvau Ministry of Interior
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
During an important meeting of EU ministers of Interior held in Paris, Bernard Cazeneuve French Interior Minister announced "tighter controls" on the train. This measure has just been adopted between 9 countries, following the Thalys attack of August 21, which nearly caused a massacre, if not the mastery by the intervention of 3 Americans and 1 British heroes.Bernard Cazeneuve received this Saturday, the ministers of Interior and Transport in eight European countries after the attack on Thalys between Amsterdam and Paris. "Passengers' identity and control the visual inspection and control of the luggage will be strengthened both in stations and on board the transport vectors wherever necessary," said Minister of the Interior reading a joint statement. The survey was conducted from 24 to 26 August, for audio-administered online questionnaire on a sample of 977 people aged 18 and over, representative using the quota method. THE 28 EU MEMBERS MEETING IS ALSO PLANNED ABOUT THE CREATION OF URGENT RECEPTION CENTERS FOR THE MIGRANTS The convening of a meeting of the 28 EU Member States came hours after the joint call in that direction of Germany, France and the United Kingdom.----------------------------------------------------------------This follows a meeting of French ministers, German and British Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, Thomas de Maiziere and Theresa May on the sidelines of a meeting in Paris from nine European countries devoted to security in transportation.The trio "stressed the need to take immediate action to address the challenge of these migratory flows". They also called for urgent established reception centers in Italy and Greece to proceed with the identification of asylum seekers and illegal migrants, and called for the establishment of a common list European listing "safe countries of origin" in which migrants are not considered a priori as asylum seekers. Berlin and expects some 800,000 asylum applications in 2015, four times more than in 2014 and therefore insisted on the establishment of this list, arguing that it would release funds to help those fleeing war and persecution.--------------------------------------------------------Over the first seven months of the year, the number of migrants arriving at the EU's borders reached about 340,000, against 123,500 for the same period in 2014, according to the European Supervisory Agency Frontex borders.-----------------------------Source : With Agencies
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