


French President Hollande chancellor Angela Merkel (Source: Courtesy Elysee)
Flag Ukrainian Normandy Format
(Source: RSR)
USPA NEWS - French President Hollande and Chancellor Merkel held talks yesterday with President Putin to take stock of the implementation status of the measures adopted in Minsk. They reaffirmed their commitment to Normandy format and process that had been made possible only by regular contact in this context.
President Hollande Chancellor Merkel President Prochenko
Source: Courtesy Elysee
THE NORMANDY FORMAT IS BACK ON TABLE OF NEGOTIATION TO REACH CEASEFIRE AS AGREED AT MINSK 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Normandy format has been used as a negotiation forum to resolve the Ukraine crisis since the Ukrainian, French, and Russian presidents and German chancellor met in Normandy in June 2014 to commemorate the Allied invasion of Normandy during WWII. According to the Elysee, the French President Hollande and Chancellor Merkel held talks yesterday with President Putin to take stock of the implementation status of the measures adopted in Minsk. They reaffirmed their commitment to Normandy format and process that had been made possible only by regular contact in this context. They strongly supported the call for a comprehensive cease-fire as of 1 September during the week of the school year. They stressed that sustainable compliance with the cease-fire is a necessity in view of the situation of civilians in the east of Ukraine as a commitment set by the Minsk agreements.  They recalled that the effective withdrawal of heavy weapons and weapons with a caliber of less than 100 mm should be completed as soon as possible. They also welcomed the role the OSCE played at all levels in the resolution of this crisis. Observers deployed in the field should be able to perform their duties freely. The three heads of state and government also discussed the preparation of elections in Ukraine. This election will be a major step in the implementation of Minsk measures. The exchanges continued in the framework of working groups must lead to a clear framework and an agreement on the modalities for this election to be held within the framework of Ukrainian law and respect for international standards. The President of the Republic, the Chancellor and the Russian President reported that a new summit in the Normandy format could be useful in the coming weeks. (Official Statement Elysee) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The four leaders have not gathered around the same table since the signing of Minsk-II peace agreement in February 2015, establishing a cease-fire, but was interviewed several times since the phone.
Logo Ukraine
Source: wikimedia.org
See also articles : BREAKS OF CEASE FIRE IN UKRAINIA DESPITE THE MEASURES OF PEACE AGREED MODEL NORMANDY BACK TO NEGOTIATION - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-3361/breaks-of-cease-fire-in-ukrainia-despite-the-measures-of-peace-agreed.html#sthash.DOobPZdb.dpuf---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR CONFLICT IN UKRAINE DIPLOMACY IS BETTER THAN WAR FOR REACHING PEACE NORMANDY FORMAT FOLLOWING STEP- See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-3801/for-conflict-in-ukraine-diplomacy-is-better-than-war-for-reaching-peace.html#sthash.ONzsCaxW.dpuf US VICE PRESIDENT SPOKE WITH PRESIDENT POROCHENKO ABOUT THE SECURITY IN UKRAINE AND ENERGY ANTI JUSTICE FOR MH-17- See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-4764/us-vice-president-spoke-with-president-porochenko-about-the-security-in-ukraine.html#sthash.6MVEmkgA.dpuf THERE WILL BE NO MINSK 3 SAID PETRO POROCHENKO----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko was in Brussels last week. Following the violations of the cease-fire in eastern Ukraine, he requested the support of the EU institutions to enforce the Minsk agreements. "The Russian party does not seem to fulfill the duties that should be hers," said Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. "Peace, stability in Ukraine is through the implementation of Minsk agreements." Poroshenko started his diplomatic mission Monday with a meeting with François Hollande and Angela Merkel in Berlin. German Chancellor said that Putin could be associated with further discussion, if necessary. But Poroshenko is niet. "It is important to coordinate Ukraine's efforts with France and Germany," said the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. "These are not only the largest European countries, they represent today throughout the European Union. There will be no Minsk 3. "The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) accuses both parties of violations of the cease-fire. According to Poroshenko 7 Ukrainian soldiers have died in the past 24 hours. Source : Euronews "President Putin said he was concerned about the continued firing of Ukrainian Donbass against military communities and the strengthening of Ukrainian troops along the line of separation", for his part, said the Kremlin press service. According to a statement from the Kremlin, Putin said the conflict could only be resolved by political means, based on the agreements Minsk and "highlighted the importance of constitutional reform in Ukraine will consider the interests of Donetsk and Lugansk. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The duration of the Ukraine crisis that lats nearly 18 months since the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the start of separatist violence and eastern Ukraine points to systematic flaws in the negotiating Normandy Format. All this may support US involvement in the Normandy Format.
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