


Logo COP21 (Source: French Diplomacy)
Ban Ki Moon Laurent Fabius Manuel Pulgar-Vidal
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi )
USPA NEWS - Ban Ki Moon addressed to French diplomats, during the week of French ambassadors, in Paris, answering the invitation of Laurent Fabius, French Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ban Ki Moon says at the press conference “There is no longer time to wait, but to act instead." We asked him a question to him.
Ban Ki Moon Secretary General of UN
Source: Courtesy of Ban Ki Moon
BAN KI MOON INVITED TO TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE INFLUENCE OF DIPLOMACY During the press conference organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris, on the occasion of the week of French ambassadors, we pose a question to Ban Khi Moon Secretary General of the UN, calls on Laurent Fabius for s express face french diplomats.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUESTION by Rahma Sophia Rachdi; Security General, as you said, there “is no more time left nor to loose“. At 100 days of the COP21, you and Mr Fabius said you wish that the political leaders will reach an agreement on the climate change new conditions submitted. Being given all this, have you talked about correcting the current economic model and change the paradigm that leads to thèse tragedies. What is the strike force on economic and industrial players to implement these conditions and have a real impact on the reduction of climate change? Knowing that in parallel, the multiplication of current conflicts, the tragic situation of migrants and refugees fleeing their war-torn country. How to manage these crisis situations in parallel and even anticipate the 'climate refugees "too?
Microphone Interviewing
Source: Malignee
ANSWER by Ban Ki Moon: "There are more displaced people than there ever had today since the Second World War. Paradigm won´t be changed. Civil societies will get involved to change this. I want to emphasise why the climate change is necessary this year. This year is particularly important for climate change. The members states and the conclusions of the millenium commitments. "China, the EU and the US are determined to commit to growth based on low-carbon activities (...). Historical efforts are being developed " We must have products and visionary agenda for the climate change course. We have worked on that for all world leaders at the next 70th General Assembly to enhance the political responsibility to add the climate change agenda see in Adis Abeba. It is a long and difficult negotiation reached, a dual agenda,. These are too done already, for a sustainable agenda with these three priorities for nature, member states and . Climate change must be adapted this year. Climate change does not wait for boundaries, leaders, territories. This is an issue for the whole world humanity. That´s why we have to eradicate the poverty. There is no time for small interest and we need to have a global interest. answered Secretary General of UN Ban Ki Moon, adding that he was "cautiously optimistic".--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also article : LAURENT FABIUS INVITES UN SECRETARY BAN KI MOON TO TALK TO THE FRENCH DIPLOMACY FABIUS WILL BE PRESIDENT OF COP21 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5120/laurent-fabius-invites-un-secretary-ban-ki-moon-to-talk-to-the-french-diplomacy.html#sthash.vbniBZ87.dpuf----------------------------- See also article : CHINA AND THE US SIGN A UNIQUE ENERGETIC AGREEMENT THEY MADE IT FINALLY - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-2943/china-and-the-us-sign-a-unique-energetic-agreement.html#sthash.tn2eqBv8.dpuf--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See also article : REFUSING TO SAY THE WORDS CLIMATE CHANGE DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS NOT HAPPENING SAID OBAMA AT EVERGLADES PARK - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-3903/refusing-to-say-the-words-climate-change-does-not-mean-that-it-is-not-happening.html#sthash.4BXyx2n9.dpuf------------------------------ See also article : PRESIDENT OBAMA UNVEILS UNPRECEDENTED MAJOR MEASURES ABOUT THE ACT ON CLIMATE CLEAN POWER PLAN- See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-4723/president-obama-unveils-unprecedented-major-measures-about-the-act-on-climate.html#sthash.8OzA47tK.dpuf--------------------------------------------------------------------------See also article : KERRY AND OBAMA THINK THAT CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE CHALLENGE OF THEIR GENERATION TO ACCELERATE EMISSIONS REDUCTION- See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-3876/kerry-and-obama-think-that-climate-change-is-the-challenge-of-their-generation.html#sthash.SmdQfvTE.dpuf----------------------------------------
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