


European Union Flag (Source: European Union)
Photo Child dead in Bodrum
(Source: Several Covers with Child dead photo)
USPA NEWS - The European media have finally hit hard by publishing the photo shock of that little boy stranded on the Turkish coast of Bodrum regardless of their political persuasions. The politicians followed and have reacted also and multiplied meetings for issuing ''concrete actions'.
Presdient Hollande Chancelor Merkel
Source: Courtesy of Elysee
EUROPEAN MEDIA HAVE THE BUZZ ON PHOTO OF BOY 3 YEARS IN DEATH BOARD BODRUM RATINGS------- In Italy, the daily La Repubblica tweeted "The picture that silences the world," and Spain's El Pais made it the "symbol of the migration drama", while El Periodico headlined the "Shipwreck of Europe" . Ditto for social networks that are inflamed and strengthens the buzz alerting on this crisis--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Parliament of the United Kingdom has caused a meeting and debate following the petition signed by over 150,000 people, about the crisis of migrants by advocating for support and solidarity in the face to victims of conflict and war. See also article : A CHILD FOUND DEAD ON A TURKEY BEACH BECOMES SYMBOL OF THE MIGRANTS CRISIS PHOTO PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA WORLDWIDE - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5144/a-child-found-dead-on-a-turkey-beach-becomes-symbol-of-the-migrants-crisis.html#sthash.Rx08afoB.dpuf
Philippe Douste Blazy United Nations at Lampedusa
Source: Courtesy of Philippe Douste Blazy
The French President Hollande meets several of his ministers to find a solution to the crisis of migrants and has agreed with Angela Merkel a principle of "binding quotas" for the reception of migrants from countries of the European Union. It is rather a permanent mechanism and mandatory reception of refugees in Europe. This proposal will be submitted to the extraordinary Council of 14 September at the European summit.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federica Mogherini on her side is now working with the Commission Juncker has to face this crisis of migrants and refugees. “ Refugee Crisis - Federica Mogherini: "Yesterday we spent all day with Commission President Juncker and the rest of the Commission. We were working mainly on our new package to face the refugee crisis and the migration crisis that Europe is facing. It is not just Europe but our whole neighbourhood that is facing one of the major crises for decades and which requires urgent and united action.Today at this Defence Minister's meeting we will discuss and work on this as our focus will be on the operation we have launched recently in the Mediterranean against smugglers and traffickers of human beings." European External Action Service - EEAS 3 septembre 2015
Iron Wall in Hungary/Serbia
Source: Courtesy of France TV
The French envoy of the United Nations, and President of UNITAID, Philippe Douste-Blazy expires indignantly on French channel BFM TV, "This is something that is everyday life for years now. We can not talk only about quotas. I know that obviously we can not receive all the misery of the world, but again these are human beings. " said affected, Douste Blazy who has spent several months in the refugee camps in Lampedusa, where he could practice his medicine away from politics and the meeting circles, he was effectively on the ground. These are the conditions in real time, as described by Philippe Douste-Blazy (Ex Minister of Health in France) who was in direct contact with suffering and pain brought by the exile, provoking escape from one's country in conflict, and spares neither adults nor wife nor child, during a long arduous journey by sea or land, to conclude with a rejection of those who have the fear of foreigners and fear to share what they possess. Materially it is on, as for the rest, that is to prove. The generosity, responsibility and solidarity should be expressed more than ever if the word "values" means really something. This noble and strong word is often erected in flattering terms of what represents the "Beautiful Europe", and does not apply it when is erected a barbed iron wall of cynicism as a weapon against humanity, as was the case in Hungary (Border between Hungary and Serbia). Source: Agencies, BFM tv, France TV Philippe Douse Blazy
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