


Graves of Migrants in Lampedusa (Source: Courtesy of Philippe Douste Blazy)
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(Source: European Union)
USPA NEWS - Francois Hollande adds the precision of the number of displaced persons and refugees, "Today we are talking about 100,000 people. It is therefore absolutely necessary to have a mechanism to take the situation of each European country and to see what can book as welcome in that country...
President Hollande Chancellor Merkel
Source: Courtesy of Elysee
Francois Hollande adds the precision of the number of displaced persons and refugees, "Today we are talking about 100,000 people. It is therefore absolutely necessary to have a mechanism to take the situation of each European country and to see what can book as welcome in that country, according to its characteristics. This is the mechanism that I proposed with Mrs Merkel. It will be submitted to the Interior Ministers of all 28, and then to the European Council "-------------------------------- We proposed with Chancellor Merkel mandatory permanent mechanism. I consider that today, which was engaged not enough and that there are countries, I will not mention here because we have to work with everyone, but that does not meet their moral obligations. You will have to go further.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is more heed to words, but to save lives and dignity resolve the situation of persons under asylum and are refugees. We need to distinguish the situation of migrants, who may have reasons to come given the poverty in their countries of origin, but which can not be met by the regime there." Said President Hollande.--------------------------------------------------------------------- See also article : FRANCOIS HOLLANDE AND ANGELA MERKEL AGREED AN INITIATIVE ON THE MIGRANT CRISIS TO SUBMIT TO EUROPEAN SUMMIT SEPT 14 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5146/francois-hollande-and-angela-merkel-agreed-an-initiative-on-the-migrant-crisis.html#sthash.5gzr9fVe.dpuf
European Values Image
Source: ceug.ugr
This is the initiative that we have taken. The letter which brings together our proposals was sent today to our partners, the President of the European Council and President of the European Commission. We need to convince, because there will be genuine implementation mechanism so that each country is convinced. There is work! I do not want the image that grabbed, rightly, all public opinions, be forgotten the next day and the expected decisions are not taken. Decisions have already been taken, others must be. This matter is before us, not behind us.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, we have the responsibility to resolve the Syrian issue, and I can say more easily that France was always in the initiative. We have a responsibility to ensure that a political solution can be found; to fight against terrorism with the right methods and good cooperation. We do not just have to hold speeches, we have to make decisions and those decisions must be those of the international community.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These dramas were not born today. These dramas are unbearable today. " concludes the French President Hollande.Source: See also article : FOUR PEOPLE ARRESTED IN AUSTRIA WHO LEFT 71 MIGRANTS FOUND DEAD IN A TRUCK THE VICTIMS SHOULD BE SYRIANS - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5049/four-people-arrested-in-austria-who-left-71-migrants-found-dead-in-a-truck.html#sthash.AyGP5S7I.dpuf-------------------------------------------------Source: With Agencies, Elysee, France Tv, BFM tv, Philippe Douste Blazy, European Union
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