


British PM David Cameron (Source: Courtesy of PM)
Logo Money Matters
(Source: Courtesy of Faith alive)
USPA NEWS - “Given the scale of the Syrian crisis, and the suffering of the people, I can announce we will provide resettlement for thousands more Syrian refugees. We will take Syrians from the refugee camps. This provides them with a direct and safe route to the UK" declared David Cameron.
Message Petition Refugees by The Independent
Source: Courtesy of The Independent
A PETITION OF POLITICIANS ALL PARTIES SIGNED BY 250 000 BRITON ASKING FOR ACTION FOR REFUGEES David Cameron has changed his mind about the migrant situation after politicians of all parties and more than 250,000 ordinary Britons signed an Independent petition demanding he abandon his stance after the publication of horrifying photos of Aylan Kurdi, a dead Syrian boy who washed up on a Turkish beach. He announced that the British government : "When we say we're keeping the situation under review, you can take that to mean there will be action."Said David Cameron. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson said it was Britain´s “moral responsibility“ to take those fleeing persecution while significant number of backbench MPs came out to criticise the Government´s stance. Privately some ministers said they had been lobbying behind the scenes to get the Prime Minister to change his mind.---------------------------------------------------------------
Logo Refugee Action
Source: Refugee Action
DAVID CAMERON STATEMENT ABOUT THE MIGRANTS AND REFUGEE SITUATION ----------------------------------- “Britain has a moral responsibility to help refugees as we have done throughout our history. We are already are providing sanctuary and we will continue to do so. As the second largest bilateral donor to the crisis, we have provided over £900 million in aid to help those affected in Syria and the region ““ we have funded shelter, food, water and vital medical supplies for millions of desperate refugees fleeing the conflict and helping them to survive in the countries around Syria, like Jordan and Lebanon. No European country has done more than Britain in this regard. Were it not for that massive aid, the numbers making the perilous journey to Europe today would be even higher. Now we have already accepted around 5,000 Syrians and have introduced a specific resettlement scheme, alongside those we already have, to help those Syrian refugees particularly at risk. As I said earlier this week, we will accept thousands more under these existing schemes and we keep them under review. And given the scale of the crisis and the suffering of the people, today I can announce that we will do more ““ providing resettlement for thousands more Syrian refugees.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We will continue with our approach of taking them from the refugee camps. This provides them with a more direct and safe route to the UK, rather than risking the hazardous journey which has tragically cost so many lives. We will discuss how best to design these schemes and the numbers we will take with NGOs and our partners. We will set out more details next week.“ Said British PM, David Cameron Source: David Cameron, Uk Parliament, The Independent, The Sydney Herald See also article: €1.5 MILLION IN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE TO REFUGEES&MIGRANTS IN WESTERN BALKAN VIENNA SUMMIT WHILE REFUGEE DRAMA OCCURS - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5048/15-million-in-humanitarian-assistance-to-refugeesundmigrants-in-western-balkan.html#sthash.wdbGs06P.dpuf and Also See article : A CHILD FOUND DEAD ON A TURKEY BEACH BECOMES SYMBOL OF THE MIGRANTS CRISIS PHOTO PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA WORLDWIDE - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5144/a-child-found-dead-on-a-turkey-beach-becomes-symbol-of-the-migrants-crisis.html#sthash.ReinBavN.dpuf
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