


President Hollande Angela Merkel Petro Porochenko (Source: Courtesy of Elysee)
Flag of Ukraine
(Source: wikimedia.org)
USPA NEWS - The President of the Republic condemns the violence that accompanied the August 31 adoption on first reading by the Rada constitutional amendments related to decentralisation in Ukraine. One member of the security forces was killed in this attack.
Logo Verkhova Rada Ukraine Parliament
The French President of the Republic presents his condolences to the relatives of a member of the security forces was killed and his speedy recovery to the many police officers and injured. He again expresses his solidarity to the President Poroshenko, the Ukrainian authorities and the entire population in these difficult times, after extremists attacked the Ukrainian parliament during a debate on constitutional reforms in the country. CONTEXT: THE ATTACK BY EXTREMISTS OF FAR RIGHT PARTY OF UKRAINE 'S PARLIAMENT VERKHOVA RADA-------------------------------------------------------------------- On 31 August, the extremists attacked the Ukrainian parliament during a debate on constitutional reforms in the country, driven by the Minsk agreements. A policeman was killed in the attack. The president called the event a "stab in the back". A Ukrainian national guard was killed by nationalist demonstrators in clashes outside the Ukrainian parliament Monday while parliamentarians were debating about a bill aimed at granting more autonomy to the regions in East. At least 90 other members of the security forces were injured. On Tuesday, two other members of the security forces have died of their injuries indicated Ukrainian official sources. While parliamentarians were debating about this measure, about 100 demonstrators - many of which are close to the extreme right party, including Svoboda - found themselves face to face with police outside building. Some people in the crowd wearing masks on their faces and wavy metal shields and golf clubs. A protester threw a grenade towards the police. In an address to the nation, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko describe the violent protests as "anti-Ukrainian" and said that "all the organisers should undertake their responsibility. "
Ukraine Meeting with head of States
Source: Courtesy of Elysee
He added that more than 30 people were arrested following the attack, including the man who would have launched deadly grenade. The nationalist right-wing party Svoboda described the bill as "a capitulation to the Kremlin." Monday's clashes are symptomatic of a wider debate Ukraine on the peace process with the separatists backed by the Russians in the east of the country. In February, the separatists and the central government agreed on a truce with one of the conditions was that Kiev allows some Russian-speaking regions more independence. Fighting between Kiev and rebel forces killed more than 6800 people dead and caused geopolitical tensions between Russia, the European Union and the United States. WHAT WAS DISCUSSED IN THE LAW DRAFT TO THE PARLIAMENT THAT DAY?------------------------------------------ The bill that was discussed on Monday also unleashed passions inside the Parliament. Nationalist MPs chanted "Shame! "Drumming on the benches of Parliament, when the vote was called. 265 MPs voted in favour of the draft of the project, or 39 votes more than the minimum required. However, some major allies of President Petro Poroshenko have come out against the measure, which could make it difficult to obtain the 300 votes it needs to finally be adopted. Elysee, NewsVice, kmu.gov.ua, and agencies,
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