


Place of Republique Paris, France (Source: Courtesy of Stephane Kirkland)
Logo Info Migrants
(Source: Info Migrants)
USPA NEWS - A solidarity rally with migrants takes place Saturday, Place de la Republique in Paris. One member of the group "Not in our name", which launched the initiative on Facebook, explains the purpose of this event.
Aylan Tribute by The Sydney Herald
Source: Courtesy of Sydney Herald
Last week end, more than 17,000 people indicated on Facebook that they would participate in the rally Saturday, September 5th “Place de la Republique“ in Paris, France in solidarity with refugees trying to escape insecurity in their country, as slogan "Not in our name". Launched by people who define themselves as "simple citizens can not remain indifferent to human tragedy that dishonours France and Europe," the movement "spontaneous" took quickly growing. "We do not have a spokesperson, we speak on behalf of any political party, no union, but we simply indignant, completely independently, facing the plight of migrants seeking today thousands to reach Europe, "says at France 24 one of the organisers, who wishes to remain anonymous. OBJECTIVE IS TO GATHER MAXIMUM OF CITIZENS WHATEVER POLITICAL'S IDEAS THEY DO HAVE The objective was to assemble as many citizens, whatever their political views. "To request the reception of refugees and respect for the human dignity of all migrants. To say that Europe can not stand on end walls and transform its seas in mass graves without losing its soul", as can be read on the Facebook group page. And the initiative has spread in the provinces, where rallies are also expected to take place.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With under no logo, and nor political banner. "The idea was born spontaneously on social networks around for some few who work with refugees and who do not necessarily know each other. There was a ras-le-bol face these images of migrants, as we see every day and are appalling. We do not claim to have the solution to this problem, which is complex, but it seemed important to us to show that in France, too, we were outraged, "says the activist. It stresses the importance of the independence movement, as its promoters wish to "universal and humanist", on the model of those born in Germany at the situation of migrants, or on that of Occupy Wall Street, in 2012. "These are inspiring initiatives because they mark a time when we want to engage independently, away from recovery."Later on, the information was widely reported, on Twitter, The Motto was clearly displayed under the slogan "# RéfugiésMigrantsDignité," then posted it on social networks, chosen because it speaks out enough by itself, simply and clearly on their indignation. " The call was relayed on Facebook by several associations such as SOS Racisme and the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA). In a statement, the Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples (MRAP) said Saturday that "a million migrants hosted in Europe is 0.2% of the European population. It is 120,000 for France". Several politicians from left were present, such as national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Greens Emmanuelle Cosse, Cécile Duflot, Jean-Luc Mélenchon but they have a low profile, according to the call of the organisers, as they had the decency not to make immediate profit of their discourse and political communication. The movement gathered more than 17,000 people in total throughout France according to the organisers on Facebook.
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