


Senator Harry Reid
Arlington Cemetery House
(Source: wikimedia.org)
USPA NEWS - “In Arlington National Cemetery, there is a white headstone, which, like so many others, marks the final resting place of a courageous service-member who gave his life in combat. This grave belongs to Kareem Khan of New Jersey, who was just 20 years old. Kareem was Muslim.
Karim Khan's grave at Arlington Cemetery
Source: Courtesy of Senator Harry Reid
TRIBUTE OF SENATOR HARRY REID TO KAREEM KHAN ----------------------------Kareem´s rank was that of Specialist in the Stryker Brigade of the U.S. Army´s 2nd Infantry division. He received a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and a medal for good conduct. Like thousands of other soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, Kareem Khan sacrificed everything for his country. Kareem gave, as President Abraham Lincoln said, “the last full measure of devotion“ for the United States. But yesterday, I watched on “Meet the Press“ as a Republican candidate for President denigrated Kareem Khan and all Muslim-Americans. Ben Carson questioned Muslim-Americans devotion to the United States. He questioned their integrity. And then Ben Carson unilaterally disqualified every Muslim-America from becoming President of the United States. Shame on him. Shame on any person who spews such vile, hateful rhetoric. The nearly three million Muslim in this country are part of the fabric of America. They teach in our schools, fight in our military, and serve in Congress. Congressmen Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana ““ both Muslim ““ have represented their districts and states with distinction. Sadly, this is just another example of Republican candidates refusing to speak for three million Muslim Americans. We saw it last week with Donald Trump, as he refused to denounce bigotry at his own campaign rally. If these Republican candidates are incapable of going to bat for America´s Muslim community, then they shouldn´t run for President of the United States. I call upon every Republican to denounce Ben Carson´s disgusting remarks. That shameful intolerance and bigotry should have no place in America today. Sadly, it seems to have a lasting place in the Republican Party. Republicans should open their eyes and take note of the contributions of our country´s Muslim community. Until they do, none of them will be worthy of leading this nation.“ Senator Harry Reid Said. Source: Courtesy of Senator Harry Reid Said.
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