
The center-right won the elections in Portugal

Loses absolute majority

USPA NEWS - The coalition government of center-right won the legislative elections held on Sunday in Portugal, although without reaching the absolute majority to which he aspired the Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho.
By only five points of difference, 37% versus 32% obtained by the Socialists, the Portuguese center-right won the elections. However, it is 17 seats absolute majority. Third, the Left Bloc won 10% support and the Communists 8% of the vote. No surprise, therefore, in relation to the forecast by the polls, which gave as favorites by center-right and the Socialist Party, and also no surprises regarding the tight result, which will force Passos Coelho to negotiate with the first opposition party to maintain its reform program.
But four years of austerity policies have taken their toll on the Portuguese Government, which has lost the undisputed support they got in 2011. "Times haven't been easy, and the times ahead will be challenging," said the Prime Minister after meeting the results and promising dialogue with the opposition. In his agenda is maintaining its economic policy, which has reduced unemployment and grow the economy under the eyes of the EU Troika, the ECB and the IMF. The Socialist leader, Antonio Costa, he congratulated the winner of the elections.
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