
United States accuses Russia of adding fuel on the fire of civil war in Syria

Criticizes Russian policy in Ukraine

USPA NEWS - The US Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, Monday accused Russia of "adding fuel on the fire" of the civil war in Syria. In a joint appearance with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Morenes, Carter, who is on an official visit to Spain, also he criticized Moscow for his performance in Ukraine.
The US Secretary of Defense arrived Monday in Madrid, where he will meet with Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. Earlier in a meeting with Spanish Minister of Defense, Pedro Morenes, responsible both they treated in the Spanish-American cooperation on defense and in the fight against jihadist terrorism. Carter thanked the collaboration of Spain in NATO and in the joint press conference later denied having asked Spain to increase its military presence in conflict zones.
At that meeting with the press, the US Secretary of Defense accused Russia for its bombing of Syrian territory and rejected assess Turkey's response to the Russian military aircraft flights crossing its airspace to Syria. This, said, is an internal affair of Turkey, which is entitled to close its airspace to foreign aircraft. With these actions, he said Ashton Carter, Russia is "adding gasoline on the fire" of the civil war in Syria, whose solution is the defeat of the Islamic State and a political transition in the regime of Bashar al-Assad "can not last ".
The differences between Washington and Moscow in connection with the bombing Syria born, according to US, in the Russian aviation bombing to opponents of the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Therefore, the White House accused Russia of strengthening the Syrian president and wanting to perpetuate in power, while Western countries see the need for Assad leaves office for the country to open a new era.
Carter also criticized Moscow for its contribution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The Russian Government "violates international standards" with its support for the Ukrainian separatists, said the US Secretary of Defense. His visit to Spain coincides with the peak of US military presence on Spanish soil. Four US Navy destroyers are docked at the naval base of Rota in the province of Cadiz, and 2,000 marines are deployed in the joint military base in Moron de la Frontera, in the province of Seville. A deployment that under Spanish Minister of Defense, Pedro Morenes, reflects the momentum of relations between Spain and the United States.
In the same press conference, Carter deplored the bombing of a hospital of Doctors Without Borders (MSF its acronym) in the Afghan city of Kunduz and underlined the important work of the humanitarian organization. "The world needs MSF," said US Secretary of Defense, who announced the opening of an investigation within the US military to clarify the circumstances of the attack. Carter warned, however, that the results of the internal investigation may take because it is found consistent evidence of happened. He also reported that the Pentagon has ordered its forces in the area to provide all medical and humanitarian aid needed for Afghan civilians and military, following the closure of the MSF hospital.
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