
The sister of King Philip IV of Spain will sit on the dock on January 11

In a prosecution for corruption

Infanta Cristina of Borbon
(Source: RTVE)
USPA NEWS - The sister of the King of Spain, the Infanta Cristina of Borbon and Grecia, will sit on the dock next January 11 to clarify its responsibility in the alleged illegal activities of the companies in which they appeared with her husband and others two partners.
The so-called 'Noos case', name given to one of the companies investigated for alleged corruption, erupted in 2008 when knowledge of a network had to millions grants for businesses and governments Spanish, that would have been granted by the irregularly status of the husband of the Infanta Cristina, the former international handball player Ignacio Urdangarin, a member of the Spanish Royal Family for being son of the then King of Spain, Juan Carlos I. The corruption scandal splashed the monarch at a time when its popularity had fallen to lows due to his poor health and some mistakes in his personal conduct, which precipitated his abdication in the present King of Spain, Philip VI.
Alongside Urdangarin, the prosecution accuses his partner Diego Torres as heads of the corrupt plot. But there was to discern the degree of involvement of the Infanta Cristina in the activities of her husband. The Infanta figure as a member of the boards of all companies created by the plot to defraud the IRS and Social Security, enriching irregularly. In an appearance before the investigating judge, Cristina of Borbon and Grecia denied knowing the irregularities allegedly committed by her husband. Supporting his thesis, nor the prosecution nor the tax office considered proven involvement of the Infanta and accuse renounced.
But the Spanish legal system allows any person or association who consider themselves wronged is a private legal action in a process. And that is what made the union Clean Hands, which does not accept the innocence of the sister of the King and accused of illicit enrichment and an active role in the corrupt plot. That accusation is that sit at the Infanta Cristina of Borbon and Grecia in the dock on January 11 at 9:30 pm Spanish local time (8:30 GMT).
Next to the Infanta Cristina, her husband Ignacio Urdangarin, the other partner Diego Torres and the latter's wife, 16 others are accused of various crimes of corruption. Among them are several former political leaders of the Spanish regions of Valencia and the Balearic Islands. He stresses the former president of Valencia Jaume Matas, also accused in other proceedings for corruption within the Popular Party, which was active. Personal confidence King Juan Carlos I in the Palace of La Zarzuela in Madrid should also appear to clarify the possible involvement of the Royal Family in the illegal activities of the plot.
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