
The President of Portugal instructs Passos Coelho the government formation

Despite having no majority

Passos Coelho had been received by President
(Source: Presidency of Portugal)
USPA NEWS - The President of Portugal, Anibal Cavaco Silva, has commissioned the conservative Pedro Passos Coelho the Cabinet formation. Passos Coelho was the winner of the elections on October 4, but has not achieved a sufficient majority to govern.
Cavaco Silva is set to the Portuguese tradition, according to which the winner of the election should be asked to form a government. However, this time the winner in the polls has not achieved a majority of support that will ensure the investiture and himself, in his recent interview with Cavaco Silva, he acknowledged the difficulty of achieving political stability that Portugal needs. On the contrary that Antonio Costa, Socialist candidate who negotiated with other parties to achieve a majority of left and expected to be commissioned to form a government.
But the President did not want to break a tradition that goes back 40 years. "Considering the tradition in Portugal's government ordered the formation of the winner" of the elections, "I have appointed Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho," Cavaco Silva announced Thursday night. He admitted that his decision is risky, because if Passos Coelho fails parliamentary support to form a government, Portugal could be doomed to new elections, but defended the appointment seeks to convey peace to Europe.
"The government formed by the conservative coalition may not fully ensure the political stability of the country, but would be much more serious economic and social consequences of a clearly inconsistent alternative suggested by other political forces," Cavaco Silva said, adding: "We do not want send wrong signals to the international institutions and markets, which could jeopardize the credibility of the country who worked so hard in recent years to recover" message. That is, do not want to risk "a drop in confidence from international creditors, investors and foreign financial markets, it is essential for there to investment and job creation."
Cavaco Silva was critical of the Portuguese political parties. The President complained that it was not possible a coalition government between the conservatives, social democrats and socialists, and yes it has been possible coalition between the Socialist Party and other minority forces of the radical left. "I have assumed my responsibilities as president," he said, and left the ball in the field of parties by stating that "now fits the deputies take their own."
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