
Rajoy is postulated as the most appropriate option to Spain

Predicts a long period of prosperity

(Source: Pool Moncloa / Diego Crespo)
USPA NEWS - The Official State Bulletin (BOE its acronym in Spanish) on Tuesday issued the decree dissolving Parliament and call for elections in Spain for December 20th. With them they will end an "intense" legislature, in the words of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.
Rajoy appeared at a press conference after the extraordinary cabinet meeting that approved the decree of election call. In response to questions from reporters, the president of the Spanish Government stated that the legislature just "has been the transformation of the country" and recalled that Spain has moved from recession to a "sustained" recovery, has "left an infernal circle" and has passed "without brake a fall condemning us to bankruptcy and leaving the euro".
"Spain can be proud: has overcome the crisis but no one was left in the road," said Rajoy, who added that "the improvements come as the most vulnerable" and, although he acknowledged that much remains to be done, with the aim to create 500,000 jobs every year for the next legislature, he stressed that today "there are a million people who have found work."
He defended his insistence on speaking of economics because, he said, is what matters most to citizens and because everything (employment, health, social services and education) depends on the economy. He ran as the best alternative to consolidate recovery. The Popular Party (PP) is "what's best for the country. It would be very hard, very sad, backtrack," Rajoy said, warning that "if we stay the course, Spain is able to open a long period of prosperity such as has never been known."
Independence and Constitution
The President of the Spanish Government did not avoid talking about the independence threat and said "I have never refused to listen to Artur Mas [the president of the regional Government of Catalonia and the Catalan independence project promoter], but also never deceived him about the limits of dialogue. I can not negotiate what is not mine, about what the exclusive competence of all Spaniards." Rajoy added that "there are things that can be reformed, such as the succession to the Crown, but see no consensus on the essential, which is the territorial model." Rajoy insisted that his "priority" will be job creation, reach 20 million people working. "It is possible, we can get if we stay the course," he said.
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