


UN Headquarters Facade 70th anniversary (Source: Courtesy of UN )
Michael Douglas UN messenger of Peace
(Source: Courtesy of Michael Douglas)
USPA NEWS - The world is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the UN. Iconic monuments, buildings, landscapes, museums, bridges, and other landmarks across the globe will be lit up blue - the official color of the UN. I don´t have a building to light, so I decided to make myself blue instead.“ Michael Douglas.
United Nations Charter
Source: Courtesy of Philippe Douste Blazy
The world is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the United Nations. To help mark this day iconic monuments, buildings, landscapes, museums, bridges, and other landmarks across the globe will be lit up blue - the official color of the United Nations. I don´t have a building to light, so I decided to make myself blue instead.“ Michael Douglas UN messenger of Peace. "70 years ago today, the United Nations Charter went into force. Let us all "reaffirm faith in fundamental #humanrights, in the dignity & worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small" #UN70 " Philippe Douste Blalzy Deputy Secretary General of the UN, said.
Douste-Blazy Deputy Secretary General of UN
Source: Courtesy of Philippe Douste Blazy
70 years ago, under the ruins of a world barely emerged from the Second World War was born the United Nations to try to maintain peace in a world ravaged by war. But seven decades later, lit is clear that this hope is far from being reached. Ban Ki-moon is the eighth Secretary General and directs the organisation until 2016.------------------------------------------------------ Today, the world is awash in conflict: Sudan, ravaged by civil war in Iraq, facing the Islamic terrorism, or in Syria where war has left more than 240,000 dead and forced into exile 5 Million people without the UN could intervene. UN IS THE LAIR OF THE DIALOGUE OF NATIONS, NEVERTHELESS THE CONFLICTS KEEP INCREASING------- According to Philippe Douste-Blazy, Deputy Secretary General of the UN, "the United Nations, today is the last place where you can talk to when there is a conflict. The United Nations, it is the only place where people, presidents, heads of government, ministers, can exchange, "he said at the microphone of France 3 tv.------------------------------------------------------- The recent General Assembly in New York that took place on of September 15 gathered countries for a global dialogue. The General Assembly (GA) is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN. Its resolutions are binding on the offending nations. Decisions on important questions, such as those on peace and security, admission of new members and budgetary matters, require a two-thirds majority. Decisions on other questions are by simple majority. Each country has one vote. Some Member States in arrear of payment may be granted the right to vote. See the list of countries in arrears in the payment of their financial contributions.
Ban Ki Moon Secretary General UN
Source: Courtesy of UN
Ban Ki Moon and David Beckam UN
Source: Courtesy of UN
David Craig ambassador UNHCR
Source: Australia UNHCR
United Nations Logo
Source: Courtesy of UN
The Assembly has adopted its own rules of procedure and elects its President for each session.Its Secretary-General is optimistic for the future. "Our business is perhaps not perfect, but without the United Nations, I can tell you that our world would be much darker. The United Nations has shown the path of progress for all mankind," said Ban Ki-moon. At a press conference in Paris, Secretary General Ban Ki Moon answers my question about how a new paradigm could be reinvented to solve the so many conflicts spread all over the actual world and at the same time, how to reduce the consequences such as the migrants crisis, and the climate change issues. " There are more displaced people than there ever had today since the Second World War. Paradigm won´t be changed. Civil societies will get involved to change this. I want to emphasise why the climate change is necessary this year. This year is particularly important for climate change. The members states and the conclusions of the millenium commitments. "China, the EU and the US are determined to commit to growth based on low-carbon activities (...). Historical efforts are being developed " We must have products and visionary agenda for the climate change course. We have worked on that for all world leaders at the next 70th General Assembly to enhance the political responsibility to add the climate change agenda see in Adis Abeba. It is a long and difficult negotiation reached, a dual agenda,. These are too done already, for a sustainable agenda with these three priorities for nature, member states and . Climate change must be adapted this year. Climate change does not wait for boundaries, leaders, territories. This is an issue for the whole world humanity. That´s why we have to eradicate the poverty. There is no time for small interest and we need to have a global interest. answered Secretary General of UN Ban Ki Moon, adding that he was "cautiously optimistic" Ban Ki Moon answered.---------------------------------------------- SEE ARTICLE AT : QUESTION TO UN SECRETARY GENERAL BAN KI MOON WHILE VISITING PARIS IN PREAMBLE OF COP21 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5121/question-to-un-secretary-general-ban-ki-moon-while-visiting-paris.html#sthash.kW0i7RAs.dpuf

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