
Spanish Socialists presented its proposal for constitutional reform

To solve the problem Catalan

(Source: PSOE)
USPA NEWS - The secretary general of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE), Pedro Sanchez, said Wednesday that the constitutional reform proposed by his party "is institutionally balanced, realistic and fully democratic rational and positive, inclusive way to build a common political space."
Sanchez explained that the PSOE raises "a proposal for partial reform of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 to modernize, revitalize and ensure that our success continues to govern with coexistence in the coming decades," and including "the guarantee of rights and freedoms hitherto collected, modernization of institutions and updating the pact of coexistence between Spaniards, the territorial model."
Ultimately, he said, it is "update and improve our Constitution after 37 years, and thereby preserve, develop and deepen their social and democratic roots, giving new sap and vigor to the values, principles and rights on which supports to build an advanced democratic society and to better articulate the unity of Spain." In the presentation of the proposed reform of the Constitution of the PSOE, the Socialist leader also said that "the renewal of the constitutional pact" proposed by the PSOE is "the only political solution that is currently on the table" for solve "the confrontation and division that now lives Catalonia".
Sanchez wanted to make clear that the Socialists "will not give up improve the Constitution by the secessionist threat," because "we are doomed to continue as we are, or live with the consequences of an unjustified secessionist process outside the Constitution and the law of consequences profoundly negative for all." And added: "Catalonia and Spain as a whole are not in a blind alley, have reason to hope," he said, because "another profoundly inclusive and democratic alternative in which the aspirations of more self-government will not be frustrated" which is the proposed reform of the Constitution that defend the Socialists.
Thus, he insisted that "against those who push citizens into an impasse, we are more who believe that there is an alternative, and not only for Catalonia initiate constitutional reform that guarantees levels of self-government and central government quality with recognition of the peculiarities of the different territories within a framework of unity and basic equality of all Spaniards."
"This is the federal reform, a way for everyone to decide not only when but also countersign daily and pursuing together, as we have done for centuries, our economic, social, cultural and political development in the context of a deeply democratic, relegitimized, updated and improved from the lessons that history is giving us," he said. Sanchez describes as "extremely serious, irresponsible and undemocratic" presentation in the regional Parliament of Catalonia of an initiative to launch a unilateral secession process, noting that "the disobedience of the Constitution and the law explicitly claimed places its authors was democratic, and deserving of the most severe political condemnation" system.
In his view, it is "an undemocratic provocation, because it shows a lack of respect for the verdict of the polls", since "September 27, the Catalans showed that there exists in Catalonia a majority of citizens not in favor of the independence." Also, it is "irresponsible, because it uses the institutions to position Catalonia outside the law" and "of confusing an unstable parliamentary majority with a pass to evade compliance with the Act and replace it with the discretion of those who have proposed this challenge."
For the unity of Spain
Sanchez stressed that "the Socialist Party is always in defending the unity of Spain, coexistence between Spaniards and the defense of the Constitution and the law, because only they protect us and defend us from arbitrariness." However, he recalled that "to certain problems with the law just is not enough" and "today we face a political problem of the first magnitude which already requires a political response of this magnitude." In the opinion of the Socialist leader, "those seeking to position Catalonia shares outside constitutional legality, irresponsibly lead to social and political fracture, increase frustration, deepening the confrontation between Catalans each other and create unnecessary confrontation Catalan and Spanish."
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