
Spain celebrates 60 years of UN membership

Ban Ki-moon defended the unity of Spain

(Source: Royal House of Spain)
USPA NEWS - The King of Spain, Philip VI, and the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, on Thursday in Madrid presided over the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations and 60 years of membership of Spain to the organization.
The problem of refugees in Europe and Catalan conflict occupied part of the speeches of the Spanish head of State and head of the UN. Philip VI urged Europe to react to the "tragedy" of the refugees arriving in the continent. "This tragedy, at the gates of our continent, requires us Europeans to be faithful to our principles and traditions better host," said the King of Spain.
Meanwhile, Ban Ki-moon expressed confidence that a "united Spain" to work at the UN in favor of peace, development and climate change. The UN Secretary General praised the condition of Spain as the "cradle of culture" characterized by its diversity and asked the Spanish Government to commit to the development targets of the international community regarding the alliance of civilizations.
Commitment to UN
In his speech, Felipe VI stressed "the strong and active commitment of our nation with the UN, its values, its purposes and principles. This commitment right now acquires a special significance and is reflected in our participation as a non-permanent member in the Security Council during the biennium 2015-2016, and it during our presidency this October. Under those responsibilities can be assured that the Spanish give and continue to give the best of ourselves to contribute to a United Nations stronger every day in a world better every day," the King reaffirmed to the UN Secretary General.
"The values, purposes and principles of the UN and all the acquis which for decades has been built on rights and political, economic and social freedoms, inspired our democratic transition almost forty years ago; so that part of our way of understanding and living the way we project ourselves to the world," recalled Philip VI. On the value and utility of the United Nations, the King emphasized that "today, are tested in many scenarios of crisis and destruction: amid the rubble of Syrian cities; off the coast of Libya or in the waters of the Mediterranean where so many shipwrecked people fleeing war or poverty."
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