


European Union logo (Source: European Union)
Helmut Schmidt & Valery Giscard D'Estaing
(Source: dna.fr)
USPA NEWS - Helmut Schmidt died at 96, in his home city of Hamburg on 10 November 2015 from complications of surgery he had to cure a blood clot in his left left. Angela Merkel said Germans had developed a "deep affection" for him and were "impressed by his personal humility as well as his sense of duty.
Angela Merkel & Francois Hollande
Source: Courtesy Elysee
HELMUT SCHMIDT DIES AT 96 IN HIS HIS CITY HOME OF HAMBOURG Helmut Heinrich Schmidt died in his home city of Hamburg on 10 November 2015 from complications of surgery he had to cure a blood clot in his left left. He was 96 years old. He was a German politician, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1974 to 1982. From 1969 to 1972, he was Minister of Defence of West Germany. From 1972 to 1974 he was Minister of Finance. He became a prisoner of war in 1945, at the end of World War II, he was a First Lieutenant. He also helped to consolidate Germany's post-war economic boom. Chancellor Angela Merkel hailed him as a "political institution" in Germany. He is seen as one of the most popular German leaders since WWII. HEADS OF EUROPEAN STATES HAVE EXPRESSED THEIR TRIBUTE TO HELMUT SCHMIDT BUILDER OF EUROPE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angela Merkel (German TV) said Germans had developed a "deep affection" for him and were "impressed by his personal humility as well as his sense of duty".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reacting to the news, European Parliament President Martin Schulz said he was "deeply affected" by the death. "He was an outstanding chancellor, his death marks a turning point for Germany and Europe," he said. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Mr Schmidt was "a special man whose political courage has moved many." Paying tribute to Mr Schmidt, French President Francois Hollande described him as "a great European". "He was a man who, until his final breath, knew how to give a speech and especially to tell Germans that they had a role to play... that it was within Europe that they should act", Mr Hollande said. Source : Official statements and BBC

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