
Spies without spying

Spies without spying

Col Zayad Al shaikhli
USPA NEWS - Before about one and a half months we´ve saw and heard through many different satellite channels the arrest of a very well known high rank Iraqi officers of the Iraqi ministry of interior affairs with charges of spying for another countries specially the United States of America.
The two officers was Major General Mahdi Al. Fukaki the head of intelligence office of Ministry of Interior and Major General Ayad Al. abbasi chief of staff of Al Risafa district HQ.
It was really worrying that the arrest had happened in a humiliating way within the office as both officers been brutally beaten and been kicked then dragged on the floor before all the other junior officers and employees working under their command, the arresting group of the intelligence unit didn't pay any respect for the military rank or to even human rights, they have neglected all the international standards of dealing with suspects before being charged.
Both officers were taken to Unknown detention centre a place that then appears to be a previous ( former regime) detention centre used to be called The directorate of National security detention and integration centre that been used by the Regal previous dictator regime, a place that is not registered or known by ministry of human rights or any related organisation.
Not to mention the savage way off ill treatment and brutal torture they have suffered while been interrogated by officers from the General Commander of Iraqi Armed Forces office personal, both officers been accused of spying and leaking classified information for the United States, and being a members of the former Iraqi vice president Tariq Al hashimy terrorist group.
The other shocking fact in this case that there were an allegations field by a number of other officers against the defendants such as leading a terrorist group, the use of car bombs, kidnapping, assassinations and targeting high profile politicians, such allegations that been filed by unqualified officers ( the new officers joined the new Iraqi security forces after 2003, they have been awarded to hold ranks within the security force just because they have ties with a specific rolling parties, they are called (Manifest officers) as they have no any military background ) it is very obvious the nature of sectarianism against a friction of Iraqis in cases like this one
In order to convict any of the other side officer or a politician there are a number of ready to go cases as well as a number of ready witnesses and accusations to convict and eliminate the others in New Democratic Iraq. At the court someone can imagine the disappointment a defendants could feel knowing that the judge deliberately asks to adjourn the case for further investigation and to listen to witnesses, in new Iraqi human rights standards, for the defendants it means subsequently another round of torture and suffer, and for both Generals it happened three times until the court have decided to dismiss the case a simply saying that it was name matches and they are not the wanted persons, it sounds really like adding a silt to injury
The most important question here after all what the defendants experienced, who is going to bring back their dignity after being humiliated and abused in front their junior officers?
Who is going to compensate them for the physical and mental damage accrued to them?
The most important question is, if that kind of ill treatment could happen to two of very well known high rank officers, officers who served the country with honer and transparency, what would happen to a normal working class Iraqi citizen who has nothing to protect him but his Iraqi citizen identity card? What is the faith of thousands of Iraqi detainees who's been detained for a very long time based on false allegations without even being interrogated?
The other questions I will leave it to the readers to think of and try to find the answer to is, why the arrest happened just before the Arabic league summit meetings with allegations of spying for external countries, and what is the connection to the other charges of having ties with Tariq Al hashimy terror group? All what it clearly indicates, is the charges are already there for anyone who doesn't comply with what the ruling parties harsh treatment against the poor Iraqi population under the control.
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