
The Constitution is not the problem, but that the Constitution is the solution

Says the Spanish Minister of Interior

Fernandez Diaz in his speach (Source: Ministry of Interior)
USPA NEWS - The Spanish Minister of Interior, Jorge Fernandez Diaz, presided in Barcelona an event commemorating the 37th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, whose holiday is celebrated next Sunday. The minister defended the validity of the Constitution.
Fernandez Diaz opened his remarks by noting that "the Constitution, the foundation of our life together, under our guarantee of our freedoms and equality, was the great meeting place for Spaniards, the level of understanding reached agreement people and trends diverse ideologies to build a better future." Stressing that "the Constitution has been the backbone of our coexistence," the minister said, "he has allowed us to live the best years of our contemporary history, in a climate of civic respect, institutional advancement and material progress."
He added that "I want to pay tribute the speakers of the Constitution, especially today two illustrious Catalans: Jordi Solé Tura and Miquel Roca, always showing that over the history of Spain, also at that time, the Catalans have played a leading role." The Minister expressed his belief that the Constitution, "voted by the vast majority of Catalan and Spaniards, is the best architecture to meet future challenges. It is an instrument of gold, which can be neglected only from ignorance. Unfortunately, the empty and repeated appeal to the constitutional reform has become a fetish and a topical output when one does not know exactly what to say."
"We have an exemplary Constitution offers us a unique instrument to address the challenges of today and the future," he added. Fernandez Diaz, who stressed that "the Constitution is not the problem, but that the Constitution is the solution," said: "Does not imply reducing dismember Catalonia Spain. It means ending Spain, because Catalonia is an essential and constituent part of Spain. It hurts especially in our land some sit above the democratic law. Neglect the rule of law and constitutional is back to the jungle and away from European democracies, because all authority is immediately liquidated. We are determined to use only the rule of law, but all the rule of law and only the law, but the whole law; only democracy."
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